Chapter 15

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Claire's POV

Mo had come to the house and was in the room next to mine but we mostly hung out in mine because I have a foam pit. We always did flips into it because I made the boys help me install trampoline matts into my room to make most of the floor trampolines. Before the first Magcon show which was in California all of Magcon was coming to our house and I would get to see Avery for two weeks in a row. Oh and I would also see my best friend, Shawn.

*1 week later*

I was thinking about Avery and Shawn and if on cue they walked in my room.

"AVERY!" I stood up and ran over to her and hugged her.


"Oh SHAWNNN!" I said and hugged him,"Guys OMG no one will go to Starbucks with me at midnight here. Not even Jack!"

We walk downstairs and say hey to everyone and sit down and start to watch Psych. It's a favorite in this house.

During the middle of "Where's Lassie?" all three of us stand up and go to the car and get Starbucks.

"3 hot chocolates," Shawn says.

"Ok. It'll be right out!" The cashier says without looking up.

We go to sit down and our names are called. I hear Shawn mutter under his breath "s-H-A-W-n not s-E-A-n!"

"Wait so you really did move to California?" The cashier asked," Clever News really never lies."

"Yeah I really did move," I say without question of how she knew.

Then we left and went back to finish "Where's Lassie?"

"Where were you?" Jack J asked me.

"Starbucks, because no one who lives here will go with me!"

"You know you have a car and a drivers license?" Jack said.

"I know but I don't want to be that loser that's all lonely at Starbucks!"

"Ok well do you want to go on a date later tonight? We haven't hung out since Jack and I started recording Wild Life and you and Ev started recording the your song," Jack says.

"Yeah casual or fancy?"

"Casual," he responds.


Everyone in the house runs to my room knowing this was going to jumping on trampolines and doing flips.

(A/N merry Christmas I got an ITunes gift card and I bought Jacobs songs.)

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