Chapter 27

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Matt's POV

We get to Claire's room and the machine goes flat. My sister has passed away.

*2 weeks later*

Claire's funeral was today. Mo had chosen the dress she was going to wear. She looked spectacular.

Everyone from Magcon was here, including Avery and Jack J. People were saying things about Claire and Avery stood up to say something about her.

"The last time we were together we were made at each other but I've know her since fifth grade we had plans to be each other's bride of honor. We were going to go on vacation together. When we first meet our parents had to have a parent teacher meeting our teachers thought we had known each other forever. Not only have we had great memories but she was there for me when no one else was and I mean no one. Now we may of gotten in fights but let me ask you something have yo gotten in fight with your best friend. Yes you have. And what I want you to do is next time you see them tell them your sorry because you never know what may happen. So here I'll say it now since this is the last chance I'll get. I'm sorry Claire. I really miss you."

I didn't know Avery was so sad that Claire was mad at her.

I guess people will do things that make other people mad but in the end the first person still really loves the second.

How was the last chapter of take it big? I will have another book coming out  tomorrow!)

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