Chapter 18

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Jack's POV

So I was dating an Espinosa? They are a pretty chill family. Claire Paje Muskrat Espinosa is my girlfriend.

"Jack if you hurt my sister so help me!" Matt says.

Oh great this also means I'm dating my best friends sister.

"Yeah it does."

"I said that out loud didn't I?"

"Yes," Matt says.

"I won't hurt her."

Matt's POV

I wanted to protect Claire all I can. She's been through a lot. She told me what her dad said and I told her next month on off week we would go see my family.
*1 week later*

"Guys we have a plane to catch!"

When we got to the plane Jack and I sat by Claire and Jack sat next to Jack.

My music suddenly got really loud and I realized Claire had turned my music up all the way to wake me up.


"It was Jack,"  Claire fibs.

"What no it wasn't!" Both Jacks say.

"Guys come on we are leaving the plane!" Cam yells while walking past us.

We end our little argument and we all stand up and walk off the plane. We get to the hotel and go to our rooms. I'm with Claire Jack and Jack.

We walk in our room and there are only 3 beds.

"Claire I guess your sleeping in my bed," Jack J says.

"Ewwww no she is in this bed and I'll sleep in the couch!" I say. I do not want Jack and Claire in the same bed. I know they have slept in the same bed once but they fell asleep watching movies.

Claire goes on her bed and I go to my couch and the Jacks go to their beds.

After laying on the couch for 29 minutes I hear Claire say," Matt come sleep on my bed. I can't go to bed knowing that you're uncomfortable."

I stand up to go walk over to her bed.

I wake up to cameras clicking. I open my eyes and see the Jacks and everyone else taking pictures. I stand up. I hear my phone go off 12 times and I pick it up and see the boys and everyone else tweeted a picture of me and Claire sleeping and with a caption #siblinggoals

"Just because I tweeted that doesn't mean that me and Nash aren't the cutest pair of siblings anymore. We still are!" Hayes says.

"You tell them Haysie Poo!" Nash says.

"I will Trash Nash!" Hayes exclaims.

"Way to ruin the moment!" Nash says.

"Hey not my fault your name rhymes with trash, Hamilton."

"Just so everyone knows I know me and Matt are sibling goals."

Bart walks in the room at that moment.

"Actually me and my sister are sibling goals. We have a show in 1 hour. And I want to see the picture," Bart says.

Mo goes over and shows him the picture and he explodes.

"Matt you can't sleep with Claire! Just because you guys may be dating doesn't mean you can sleep in the same bed! What would your fans think!"

"I'm not dating her! She's my sister! My fans would think 'wow Matt and his sister are sibling goals'. Maybe if your about to assume something maybe you should actually know something about our lives."

"Ok then tell me something about your lives. All of you!"

"I'm dating Claire," is what Jack tells.

"The first 18 years of my life have been lies," Claire says.

"Hayes is my bae." Krystal says.

"My "twin" is adopted," Caitlyn mentions.

Everyone else says something.

Then I ruin it.

"See maybe now you won't make fake assumptions now that you know something!"

"Leave! I don't want a brat here!" Bart screams at me.

I stand up and leave the hotel room. I know I will still have to go to this meet and greet so I just go to the place and wait for it to start. I feel worried but it's not my worry.

(A/N here's a quick update!)

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