Chapter 13

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Johnson's POV

Yesterday everyone exchanged gifts. Claire got a little puppy that will be coming on tour with us along with Evita, her current dog. Avery got a kitten that will also be touring with us. Bart was a little hesitant about letting the animals join us but we convinced him to let them come. After all everyone had fallen in love with them.

Ring ring!!

I answer the phone to hear Bart talking,"Get everyone done to the hospital by where you guys are. Also there will be a new member joining Magcon!" I manage to reply a quick reply before Bart hangs up.

I start to gather everyone up so we can go to the hospital. Everyone is worried because we don't know what happened. The four cars get filled up with people then we leave.

As we walk in the hospital we hear someone call Claire's name. She goes over to the mystery person and finds out its a nurse.

"We have someone who may be able to make a fake arm that looks and feels like a real arm! We just have to get some measurements," the nurse says with an artificial smile," You can bring two people up with you!"

Claire calls me and Avery to go with her. We get to the hospital room and there is a whole bunch of measuring stuff on a table.

Skipping the measuring part bc I'm lazzzy

"In 2 weeks I'll have a arm again!" Claire screams as we walk to the car.

"I know!" We all scream back.

(A/N short chapter because I haven't updated recently I'll have a new chapter up by Friday hopefully!)

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