Anaconda (Nicki Minaj)

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Reactions during the first few seconds video:

John: "Wow! Look at those lovely young birds and their... extremely skimpy clothes?"

Paul: "That one in the middle is very pretty, and I love the jungle setting. It's so fresh and organic."

George: "I wonder how much fruit is up in those trees in the background..."

Ringo: "Am I watching an adult version of The Jungle Book?"

Reactions during the rest of the video:

John: "What the hell are they doing?! Oh, Christ! They're doing this twerking thing as well?!"

Paul: "Booty shouldn't move like that! Even mine isn't that flexible! Oh, my God!"

George: "Why is she putting whipped cream on her tits?! What a waste of perfectly good food!"

Ringo: *hiding under the desk with his fingers in his ears*


John: "As much as I love music... and the female body... just hear this. One, this shit you call "music" is not music! And two, PUT SOME GODDAMN CLOTHES ON."

Paul: "Well, um... I think it's great that she's proud of her womanly curves and isn't afraid to show them off, but... Nicki, love? Saying that you have a "fat ass" over and over isn't extremely appealing. A lot of us have very fine booties, but we don't brag about it!"

George: "You know, in your day this is considered shocking, but no one really minds. In our day, every single parent in the world would toss the radio out the window, wash their kids' ears and eyes out with soap, and make them attend church eight times a day."

Ringo: *peers over the desk* "Is it over? It's over? Oh, thank God."

Can you dance like the girls in the video?

John: "Let me think about - NO."

Paul: "I can, if you really want me to.."

George: "Sure, just give me a can of whipped cream and I'll squirt it IN MY MOUTH BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE WHIPPED CREAM IS SUPPOSED TO GO, YE BLOODY IDIOTS."

Ringo: "No way. Wait. That was dancing? Are you sure they weren't strippers or something?"

Any remarks to the viewers who wanted you to watch this?

John: "Thanks for giving me a reason to be thankful for being dead!"

Paul: "You guys are crazy. Now I'm going to have people begging me to twerk like this Nicki Minaj lady! God, the struggles of being so wonderfully proportioned..."

George: "I enjoyed it, but I'm still annoyed at the thought of all that lovely whipped cream going to waste. Thanks for ruining my day, you guys."

Ringo: "Why would you want us to react to this? I thought we were friends."

(Thanks to GeorgeStarrlover for suggesting this!)

(Feel free to leave more suggestions, even though I've already got a whole pile! :D)

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