REACT Snippet: George's Fanfiction

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Hello readers!

Readers: (This is an interactive chapter! Insert your reactions in these parts using the inline comments feature! However, you can comment and react anywhere - these sections are just a bit more ideal. :3)

This snippet is going to be a bit different because I had a great idea... in the middle of the night.

Readers: (...)

Anyway, I was searching through some old comments in the first few chapters of this book, as I like to do every so often, and I happened to come across something quite intriguing...

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It was a comment from the user LittleBeatlemaniac saying that she'd love to read some of George's fanfiction!

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That's right, guys. George - our very own George - writes fanfiction. You can't read it online because he doesn't have an account on WattPad (although he might in the near future), and instead he writes it all down in special journals... which I have right here with me!

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I know it was mean and inconsiderate of me to nick George's private journal, but hey... give the readers what they want!

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Let's get into it! *flips through the journal* Okay, I've found a juicy one! It's called Mentality - A McLennon Fanfiction.

Readers: (...)

Feel free to react as I read. :)

John scarcely blinked. His empty eyes suddenly grew dark and despising. Before I knew what was happening, John was on me. He leaped from the couch, seized hold of my arms and held them over my head so I couldn't retaliate, then he glared directly into my terrified eyes.

"I should have never let you run away from me, Paulie, you horrible little slag," John growled. "I should have stayed. Held on to you. I should have done this a long, long time ago."

Oooooh, getting kinky! But also... why does this story sound so... like... familiar?

"John!" I cried, struggling to free myself. "What are you talking about? Let me go!"

"I'm not going to let you wriggle away from me this time, Paulie, dear," he said, his voice becoming dangerously soft. "You're my precious little fairy doll. No one else's."

Hold the phone... *squints closer* George No-Middle-Name Harrison, you son of a dick! This is copied from one of my stories!

Readers: (...)

All he's bloody well done is changed the names of the characters and left the story word for word! That's not cool to do to someone, is it?!

Readers: (...)

Ahem... let's, uh... move on to something else. Here's another one! It's called Sugar Coated - A McLennon Fanfiction.

"I love it when you groan like that," Paul panted, pecking at John's face and neck with those sweet, loving lips of his. "It makes me feel like I've accomplished something."

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