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(I'm sorry this is so late! But now I'm here, so let's cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it. To the reactions! ~ Macs)

First Video: Types of Texters

John: "All right, I admit it! I'm a semi sender! My thumbs are just too big for the buttons - in fact, I'm so bad at texting that autocorrect autocorrects itself to something ridiculous... like autocucumber."

Paul: "Oh my God, these are all so true. Still, it's not my fault that the caps lock button gets jammed sometimes..." *sassy side glance*

George: "The English language is there for a reason. Treat it with some respect and don't text like you've literally smashed your phone against your forehead."

Ringo: "This girl is great. Sorry Barbara, but I think I'm in love with someone else." *laughs*

Second Video: How to Get Your Crush to Like You (ft. Caspar Lee)

John: "Taking the piss isn'ta confusing British thing. It's perfectly understandable. If anything's weird, it's American speech. I mean, what the hell is a 'Kardashian'? Sounds like a terrifying monster of sorts."

Paul: "The guy's cute. I'm not going to lie." *pauses* "I mean, he acts cute! I don't think he is cute! Although I can see why the girls like him. He's - I mean -" *sighs* "This isn't helping the gay rumours, is it, readers?"

George: "Oh my God, she ships people as well? Caspar Sugg?! Okay, it's funny, but still, what the hell?"

Ringo: *practically wetting himself laughing* "Ohh, call me a filthy old man, but the innuendos are bloody hilarious!"

Final Video: When People Borrow Your Phone

John: "I get hit by a freaking tsunami of panic when people ask to borrow my phone. I mean, my entire weird life is on that phone! I don't want people to see what I get up to or changing my ringtone to Barbie Girl!"

Paul: "If someone scrolls through my photos, they'll probably come across an entire photo album of failed selfies. I'm sorry, but I can't pout as sassily as I used too!"

George: *not paying attention* *too busy texting Bob and Eric*

(Macca - getting annoyed - asks if she can see his phone for a minute)

George: *freezes* "Huh? Phone? What phone? I don't have a phone."

Ringo: "That happened to me once. Paul borrowed my phone to take selfies because his battery was flat, then George calls me... His caller ID at the time was 'Sexy AF Cheekbones'." *pauses* "I have no idea where that name came from, but something tells me that John was behind it."


John: "That was so damn relatable that it hurt."

Paul: "I really have to question my life now because I'm basically all those people."

George: "I'm going to have to agree with everything she said there. That's - that's all pretty damn accurate." *pauses* "Oh, and SHE'S INDIAN!"

Ringo: "I like her. I really do."

Do you lads know who that was?

John: "Nope. She's hot, though."

Paul: "No, I haven't, but I'm really mad at myself now for being so ignorant."

George: "She said her name is Superwoman. What a brilliant name!"

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