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(OMG, I've been looking forward to doing this for a LONG time!)

First Video: LOOK INTO MY EYES | Photobooth (my personal favourite)

John: "Apparently a lot of people have files on their computers called "Pointless Sh*t"... I'm one such person. I wonder if Photobooth is in it. I certainly hope so. I'd love to try this."

Paul: "Bloody hell, what's up with this guy's hair? Neon green? Well, I suppose it's patriotic, seeing as he's from Ireland - and he suits it, too. 

George: "Oh. My. GOOD GOLLY GOSH, IT'S JACK! IT'S SEAN! I MEAN... I mean, it's Jacksepticeye! I love him almost as much as I love Markiplier! This totally makes up for that Dan Howell I pulled last episode. All is forgiven - now shut up and let me watch. I LOVE this video! I love HIM!"

Ringo: "I've had days when I feel like this guy's expressions... totally f**ked up." *laughs*

Second Video: Who's Your Daddy w/ Markiplier and Jacksepticeye (this was actually uploaded to Mark's channel, but I love it so much)

John: "What the hell - Why are you showing me all these weird games? Is this what kids are into nowadays? It's just ridiculous... Now I'm sad because I've realised how old I've become..."

Paul: "Hey, it's that Mark guy again! He plays with other gamers? That's cool. They're actually quite funny together. Could do without the dick jokes, though..."

George: "Mark?... AND Jack?... Together?... IN ONE REACT CHAPTER?! Oh my Lordy Lou, this is a dream come true!" *realizes what he's saying* "Goddamn, I promised myself I'd never turn into one of the fangirly ilk."

Ringo: *laughing at all the immature dick jokes*

Final Video: LOOK OUT BELOW! / Muddy Heights

John: "He's right about the stupid games being the best games. Like, have you played that Five Nights at Freddy's game? That one was REALLY stupid... mainly because I forced to play it and nearly sh*t my pants!" *glares at Miss Macca*

Paul: "Wait. This game is when you literally sh - Oh God, yup! There it goes!" *shields his face* "Jeezums, that is disgusting! Oh no, and it lands on the unsuspecting public?! No! Oh my Lord!"

George: "God, I love his voice. It's just so entertaining. What else is entertaining is the fact that someone actually sat down and spent hours creating a crappy (Ha, pun intended!) game like this! It's nice to know that someone has less of a life than I do."

Ringo: *in fits of laughter* "Holy moley, Miss Macs, where do you find these characters?!"


John: "Well, that was certainly something. I don't know what kind of stuff this Jack guy is on, but I have a strange urge to buy it." *laughs*

Paul: "One, I really like the gamer. Two, these are actual games?! Hooly dooly, Batman..."

George: "Oh man, Jack is like my alter ego's spirit animal. So much vim and vigor and pure enthusiasm. He's just amazing. He's the height of cool. He's a total boss... LIKE A BOSS!"

Ringo: "Oh man, what a guy. What excitement. It's just amazing. I loved it."

Do you know which YouTube star that was?

John: "He said his name was Jack-something. I don't know. George probably knows him."

Paul: "I'm sorry, but I don't know. Oh man, I bet the hate comments are gonna start rolling in. I'm SORRY, guys! I'm SORRY that I'm not cool or up to date with the internet! I'm just not that worried about being... y'know... hip."

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