REACT Snippet: ???? Part Two

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Hello again, everyone!

John: "Well! Look who it is! She lives!"

Paul: "You're back! It's only been, what... three years?"

Yeah, yeah, okay. I know it's been way too long - but in my defence, I've been busy! 

John: "Doing what, exactly?"

George: "Must've been pretty bloody important if you left us hanging around for three years."

Well, I finished my first year of university, got a second job, and managed to get a boyfriend who doesn't treat me like garbage!

John: "... oh, I see."

George: "That's definitely, uh... time-consuming."

Paul: "You're excused."

Ringo: "Congratulations, miss! That's truly wonderful."

At least one of you is nice to me. But thank you, lads. I'm a lot happier than I've been in a while.

Paul: "We are glad to hear that."

George: "And we're even gladder to have you back around here! It's been quite boring."

Haha, well... shucks, guys. I'm glad to be back. Only...

Paul: "Only what?"

I'm not sure if I should come back. I haven't written in ages! I've probably been forgotten.

John: "Oh yeah, probably."

George: "John! You're not meant to agree!"

John: "For God's sake, George, I'm not a bloody mind reader! How was I meant-"

Guys, hush! Let me finish. All this chapter was meant to be was a reminder that I am, in fact, alive. But maybe...

Ringo: "Maybe?"

Maybe this could be my revival. I'm working on several novels and short stories right now, so it would be good to get some practice. 

Paul: "Hey! There's an idea! Like taking requests so you can flex your writing muscles?"

That's exactly right! I'm glad you like the idea.

George: "So what would your readers have to do? Leave a comment or DM you with a suggestion?"

John: "That's stupid. She'd need to create an entirely new book for her requested stories! Surely the readers would be better off commenting there instead of here."

George: "I know that, dopey. She hasn't even received any requests yet, so no point creating a new book to be commented on."

Ringo: "Lads, stop arguing! You're going to confuse the readers! All they have to do AT THIS POINT IN TIME is comment a suggestion here or DM it directly to our friend Macs, all right?"

That's exactly right, Ringo. Thank you very much.

Ringo: "My pleasure."

Paul: "Does this request book have a name?"

Hmm... still thinking about that! Maybe that dilemma could be another suggestion-based decision. Readers can comment or DM ideas for my new request book!

John: "Eager for clicks and comments, aren't you, birdie?"

Shut up, John, or I'll tell everyone about that time with George's cat and the mustard.

John: "Whoa, whoa! No need to go that far!"

Then shut your trap and help endorse my new future book.

John: "Yes, ma'am."

George: "Just to recap, if your readers want a special story or one-shot written, they have to leave a comment or send you a DM?"

Paul: "And you'll be posting them in a new book really soon?"

Ringo: "Are REACT requests an option, or has that ship sailed?"

Hmm... depends on what the requests are! I'm going to be quite busy in a few weeks, so we'll see how it goes. But for now, let's say YES.

All: "Yay!"


Hey guys! I'm alive! Feel free to leave requests for stories, one-shots, imagines, reacts, or whatever your little hearts fancy. I can't believe it's been literal years since I've posted to this site. Time to rectify that! Who knows? Maybe I'll go back to updating or adding to fanfictions that were formerly left for dead...

Much love,

Macs (who is no longer single, thank goodness)


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