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First Video: Smells Like Teen Spirit (1991)

John: "Oh my Lord, it's Nirvana! Look, there's Kurt! He's a nice kid, and he has songs great ideas about music, too. I see him nearly everyday - oh, and sometimes he and I get some of the other guys together and have a friendly game of ping-pong. Great guy, Kurt."

Paul: "... what the hell is he saying?..."

George: "Oh, hey, it's Kurt. John and I often hang out with him. I like his music. I like him. He's a good kid."

Ringo: "Back when music videos were relatively normal. I mean, there's no one stripping or jiggling their bum in the background."

Second Video: Heart-Shaped Box (1993)

John: "Heart-Shaped Box! Huh, I'll have you know I am the best at this on Guitar Hero."

Paul: *eyes bulging* "What the bloody hell am I watching? What's with the crucifixion? And the crows? And the hot rock stars? And the little KKK child?!"

George: "I'm pretty good at this song on Sitar Hero... only no one will really play it with me..."

Ringo: "Well, it's a bit less... strange than other music videos I've seen." *pauses* "Hang on, that's the end? The guy throwing back the curtains? Hold up a second. I may have missed a memo here... but what on earth was all that about? Am I missing something? Come on, guys! Don't leave me all confused!"

Final Video: About a Girl (1989)

John: "Kurt is always playing this song. It's like his go-to ditty. Not that I'm complaining. I frequently join in with him."

Paul: "Aw, this is a pretty song. And he's performing it live, which is absolutely fantastic."

George: "Pfft! David Grohl's ponytail... What a wally."

Ringo: "Kurt's got a good voice on him. I like how it's a bit rough and raspy, but he still pulls off a sweet song like that really well. Good on him."


John: "I enjoyed that. I really did."

Paul: "Well, well, well. I have mixed feelings about what I just saw... but I'm pretty sure I liked it."

George: "Ah yes, back before music turned to complete sh*t."

Ringo: "That was great, especially that last song. Still confused about the second video..."

So have you heard of Nirvana?

John: "'course I have! I hang out with Kurt all the time! He's like my best mate!" *pauses* "Only don't tell Paulie that. He might get a bit cross."

Paul: "Nirvana? Oh, right, yeah. I've seen the shirts with their band name and smiley face on the front. Your sister owns one such shirt, doesn't she, Macs?"

George: "Nirvana is a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. It represents the final goal of Buddhism." *short pause* "Oh! The band Nirvana! Right, yeah. I know them."

Ringo: "I don't think there's a single person on earth who doesn't know Nirvana."

What kind of people typically like Nirvana?

John: "Well, do I count? Am I a genre of person?"

Paul: "People who don't wash their hair, I imagine."

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