Fanfiction (Part Three)

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"Daaamn, Macs! Daaaaamn, Macs! DAMN, Macs! Back at it again with the late updates!" - every reader ever

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I know that I said I wasn't going to do this... I announced it, I told myself over and over again, and I even let the lads know they were out of the woods.

George: "Lemme guess... you caved."

Yes, George! I freakin' caved! I just loved these fanfic suggestions so much, I... I couldn't let them go to waste, y'know?

John: "You're pathetic, giving up the way you are. Talk about lack of willpower."

Paul: "And you raised our hopes for nothing. Nice going, Macs."

Ringo: "Hey, hey! Guys, be nice! Macs doesn't deserve this. She's giving her kind, dedicated readers what they want even though she's not really into it. Isn't that admirable?"

John: *sneers* "Admirable for a wuss."

Shut up and let's get on with the programme. I've got lots of amazing fanfictions for you guys to react to, so... can we?

John: *groan*

Paul: *big groan*

George: *even bigger groan*

Ringo: "Let's do it, son!"

First Fanfic: "Locked In" by You-You-You (chapter 3)

Paul: "Oh, for goodness' sake! In fanfictions, I'm normally pregnant, a woman, or making out with John, but I've never seen anything like this before! Why would someone want to write a story about me getting fat?"

George: "Someone with a twisted imagination and an incredible sense of humour?" *laughs* "Cheer up, grumpy guts. I think it's a hilarious concept, especially the bit about us squeezing ourselves into crates and being shipped home! That's pretty creative in my opinion!"

Paul: "Hmmm, I guess. At least I tried to stop you stuffing yourself in the first place... then you go and stick a ruddy great tube down my throat!"

George: *mumbles* "I bet John does that sort of thing a lot..."

Paul: "What?! No, he does not, you waffly tw*t!"

George: "Liar." *smirks* "Anyway, it's a funny little story. I enjoyed it very much - not a lot of "weight gain" fics, are there, Paulie?"

Paul: *mutters something*

George: "I couldn't agree more!... I think."

Second Fanfiction: "Just Friends" by arctic_beatles (chapter 1%)

Ringo: "Oh my goodness! Now this is a treat! I'm actually in one of these fanfiction reaction jobbies! And I'm a main character in a story!"

John: "Why people don't write more stories with you in it, little pal, I'll never be able to fathom." *laughs* "Ha! I know why! These fanfiction authors can't bear to taint your adorable personality with smutty plotlines."

Ringo: *frowns* "You can call me a lot things, John. Silly, thick, irresponsible, reckless... but adorable isn't one of them. Now, I ain't adorable."

John: "In this fic you are! Such an innocent little cinnamon roll; a perfect fit for you!"

Ringo: "At least I'm not a massive stuck-up jerk like you. Look at the way you treat poor George! Calling him Greg and Geoff and Grundoli and stuff!"

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