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((I quite enjoyed some of the K-Pop songs I listened to during my research. I'll leave links to all the songs in the comments below if you want to try something new! ~ Macs xxxx))

First Song: Born Hater by Epik High

John: "Making music in a bathroom and telling everyone how much of a hater you are... That's not weird. Not at all."

Paul: *gasps* "What did he just say?! What is all this swearing in music for nowadays? Is it really necessary to drop F-bombs all the goddamn time?!"

George: "Well. It's not Bob Dylan. That's all I can really say."

Ringo: "Ah, this is that K-Pop stuff people have been raving about in the comments! It's got a great beat. I could dance to this... and I can actually understand some parts of what he's saying!"

Second Song: So Hot by VIXX

John: "Oh my goodness gravy." *cracks up laughing* "Dressing up in drag and prancing around on stage?! Oh, the things people will do for publicity! Still, props to these guys for having the balls to go out dressed like that."

Paul: "Oh, is this a girl group? my, aren't they pretty young ladies! I love their outfits, and they've got lovely hair. Oh, they're about to start sing - OH NO, it's a guy group! What the hell?! Why are they wearing those cute dresses and wigs and things?!"

George: "The judges' faces are absolutely amazing. They have no bloody idea what's going on - neither do I - but it's pretty damn hilarious." *chuckles*

Ringo: "I must say, these lads make pretty decent girls, and they can sing and dance superbly!" *pauses* "I'm starting to feel a bit disappointed in Western music now."

Final Song: Can't Stop by C.N. Blue

John: "It's a sweet, romantic little ditty, is it? I bet Paul's having a great time watching this..."

Paul: "Okay, it's another guy group - dressed like actual guys." *pauses* "Oh my, this is lovely. I can't understand a word of it, but it sounds beautiful."

George: "This is like a Korean version of the Backstreet Boys, right?"

Ringo: "Very cute. I think I like these guys the best."


John: *cracking up laughing* "Oh Lord, I can't. I just can't! I can't take any of this seriously! That was so ridiculous... yet weirdly entertaining. Still, what the hell?" *laughs more*

Paul: "That's was brilliant! I loved the last song. It was... well, almost similar to my own material. Only... it wasn't similar at all."

George: "Well, colour me confused. What the hell was I just exposed to?"

Ringo: "That was good, but I'm a bit baffled. Can we move on to questions?"

Looking at the videos you just watched, which genre of music would you say was used in each one?

John: "Well, they were all very over the top and extravagant... but "flamboyant" and "crazy" isn't really a genre, is it?"

Paul: "Pop? It resembled some of that newer music you've shown me in the past."

George: "Well, I highly doubt that it was hardcore heavy metal."

Ringo: "It's K-Pop; pop music from Korea, right? Do I win for guessing correctly?"

After listening and watching to K-Pop, how do you feel about the genre overall?

John: "Well, what I do know about pop culture I get from the internet. (Yes, I use the internet. I'm not that much of an old codger!) As for K-Pop, this is all very new to me... and I don't really get it."

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