Kids React to The Beatles

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Reactions during the first clip of the video (I Want to Hold Your Hand):

John: "I remember that Ed Sullivan performance. It was great. And it turns out that the new generation isn't totally doomed. Thanks for giving me hope, you guys."

Paul: "It's so nice that kids still love us." *wipes away tears* "It's great, these kids' enthusiasm! I knew we were popular, but... wow."

George: "Those first two kids said they loved us, and this third girl says her mother loves The Beatles." *shrugs* "I guess you can't win them all."

Ringo: "That girl just said I'm her favourite Beatle! Ha! She's my favourite kid... even though she compared me to Niall Horan..."

Reactions during the second clip of the video (I Am the Walrus):

John: "For your information, our outfits were pretty stylish for the day. I mean, bright colours and psychedelic patterns were the height of fashion. If anyone looks silly, it's kids' clothes these days."

Paul: "Looking back on this song and video, I can understand why these kids are so confused. But I looked great in the psychedelic clothing of the day, just saying."

George: "Bloody hell, what were we smoking back then to make us produce this?"

Ringo: "All the face palming... it's almost embarrassing." *laughs*

Reactions during the final clip of the video (Hey Jude):

John: "Come on... Hey Jude wasn't that great. Revolution 9 was way better."

Paul: "Ah, Hey Jude. One of my favourites, and apparently, a lot of the kids' favourites! And that's not awkward staring, young man! It's called 'making the girls lose their minds' staring!"

George: "I admire these kids' enthusiasm for the song, but as for that little boy who said 'why don't they listen to them on iPod'... it was the 1960's. No iPod's then, sorry to disappoint you."

Ringo: "Aw, they liked my drumming! That's sweet of them." *smiles* "I love these kids."

Reactions to the kids reacting to them individually:

John: "I don't look like Justin Bieber, thank you very much! But I'm pleased that a couple of kids liked me - especially that little girl who said she loves me. That's really special." *grins*

Paul: "That kid's right - the chicks did like me and my big eyes. And I - " *cracks up laughing* "That girl compared me to a fashion designer with 'a little bit of sass'! Oh my God, I love this."

George: "Did you hear that?! 'George Harrison is really hot'! I hope Paul's watching this!"

Ringo: "They all liked me! They want to give me hugs! I feel so special! Interesting fact, I was the favourite Beatle when it came to American girls."

Reactions to the kids reacting to Beatlemania:

John: "Yeah, Beatlemania was pretty insane. We couldn't go anywhere or do anything without being recognized and chased. And the constant screaming, it just... it does your head in."

Paul: "It's true, though. The females did go a little cray. Actually, they went a lot cray."

George: "What that kid said about us being like the last Twinkie in the world - I myself couldn't think up a more accurate description. I know I'd go crazy if there was a worldwide food shortage."

Ringo: "Yes, kids. Your grandmas used to go absolutely bonkers over us and act the way you lot do about One Direction and Justin Bieber and 5SOS. They were no different from you."

Verdict overall?

John: "You heard the kids! The Beatles are still better, although I don't know why. We were just a rock band. Nothing else."

Paul: "We recorded some groovy music, made some girls lose their minds, and had a great time together. The Beatles were always a great band. Nothing more. Nothing less."

George: "It's a little known fact that The Beatles saved the world from boredom - but in all truth, we just did what we did for the fun of it. It was a good run. I had a lovely time... and I'm glad these kids still appreciate us for us."

Ringo: "These kids said it themselves that our little band will always reign supreme - and if they're saying that, then what a bloody great band we were!"

(Thanks to VictonieCresta012FatherMcKenzie, and everyone else who suggested this!)

(George awards Jelly Baby Points to... AndILoveJohn! Congratulations!)

(Next Time on Beatles REACT: The Beatles will be reacting to a famous song by another group just as popular as themselves: Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.)


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