Focus (Ariana Grande)

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Reactions during the first few seconds of the video:

John: "If you're showing me another sexual music video like that Anaconda bullcrap, then I am leaving! I mean, that skirt is barely covering her arse!"

Paul: "Why do all these lady singers have better eyelashes than I do?..."

George: "Focus on me? That's an oddly self-centered title for a song. And judging by this girl's skimpy outfit, some lady's gonna get exploited."

Ringo: "High heels and skimpy skirt... not a good match, darling."

Reactions during the rest of the video:

John: "I don't like the way this chick is looking at me. Is she seducing the camera?"

Paul: "Oh dear... why is it that if a girl wants to get anywhere in the music business, she has to sexualize herself? What a wonderful world we live in."

George: "Is that guy saying, um... f*ck a zombie or foolish omelette or something?"

Ringo: "I think the dancers forgot to put on their clothes, and - Oh! Did she just swear?!"

Have you heard of Ariana Grande or her music before?

John: "Oh, yeah. I heard that song - Problem, I think it was - that she did with that Igloo Australia bird."

Paul: "Yes. She did that rather dirty song with Jessie J and the Anaconda lady." *pauses* "Don't ask me how I know that. You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

George: "No, I haven't. I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't really keep up with what's popular in the way of modern music."

Ringo: "I believe so. She's that cute little redhead from the Nickelodeon channel, isn't she?"

What message do you think Ariana is sending with this new song and video?

John: "Look at me! Look at me! I'm all grown up! Check out my rude bits!"

Paul: "I think she's trying to break free from her young and innocent persona - recreating herself, if you will. Ariana is showing she's not a little girl anymore."

George: "Is it wrong to assume she's trying to say she's a slut? Because from those lyrics, the outfits, and the video in general, that's all I really got from it."

Ringo: "Fame's gone to her head. That's all there really is to it."

What are your thoughts on how female artists portray themselves in pop culture?

John: "Honestly, I think it's bullcrap. Female artists seem to have gotten it into their heads - and I blame society for this - that in order to be successful, they have to prostitute themselves. When did that idea come into play? I'd like to know!"

Paul: "I think all women are beautiful. They don't need to dress in tiny skirts and hugely high heels to make themselves feel beautiful. And having female artists like Nicki Minaj and Ariana Grande stripping down to their knickers and flaunting themselves doesn't help any."

George: "What a world we live in, full of silly dance crazes, computerized music, and butt jiggling. It's ridiculous - women don't need to see crap like this. They already worry enough about how they look when they really don't need to. I thought we clarified that in the feminism reaction chapter!"

Ringo: "They portray themselves as sex crazed meat, really. It's not good for the artists and it has a negative impact on other women in general. Come on, girls. You're lovely enough already."

Would you sing a bit of the song for us?

John: "I'd rather not. How about the first few bars of Imagine instead?"

Paul: "Sure! Why not? Focus on me! F - F - Focus on me!" *jazz hands*

George: "Okay... F*ck this omelette! F - F- F*ck this omelette!"

Ringo: *panics and starts singing It Don't Come Easy instead*


John: "Enough with the sexual stuff. It's getting old. Just stop."

Paul: "I liked it - very unique - but it wasn't exactly my cup of tea."

George: "It was a brave attempt for Ariana Grande, I must admit. But it's still computerized crap, and I'm not going to let that slide."

Ringo: "Good beat. Questionable lyrics. Needs more clothing."

(Thanks to 1dfigureskating for suggesting this!)

(George awards Jelly Baby Points to... bannded! Congratulations!)

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