Five Nights at Freddy's (G&R Part Three)

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Welcome back, my lovely lads!

Ringo: "Hi!"

George: "Hare Krishna."

Ready to play a final round of Five Nights, hmm?

Ringo: "If it's a final round, then I'm ready!"

George: "Yeah, I'm ready. Bring it on!"

Ringo: "I've actually put superglue on your chair so you won't fall off this time."

George: "Oh, we're still not over that, are we?" *sighs* "Honestly, f**k me..."

Ringo: "Gladly."

George: "What?"

Ringo: "What?"

Night Three, 12 AM - 2 AM

George: "Y'know, Ringo, you don't have to remind me every time I sit down not to fall off of my chair. That was a one time thing and it won't happen again."

Ringo: "Betcha five pounds it will."

George: "I'm not a gambling man, sorry." *smirks* "Right, let's get into focus. Phone's ringing. What does Mr Guy have to say to us tonight?"

Ringo: "He says we'r doing a great job and that most people - What the hell? 'Most people don't last this long'? Who would say that?!"

George: "Maybe he meant they've moved on to other jobs 'cause this one's sh*t. Honestly, this guy gives the worst advice. I'm not going to listen to him. Screw him. You know what? I'm going to mute his call!" *mutes call* "Ha! How do you like that, you little tw*t!"

Ringo: "So much pride for such a little man." *sighs* "Anyway, I've heard we don't need to watch the cameras all the time 'cause it wastes power. Just check the door lights and Pirate's Cove and we'll be just fine."

George: "Well, well, well! Someone's been doing their research." *flicking through cameras* "It's been relatively quiet so far. Maybe they've decided to leave us alone tonight. If not, we're getting through this night if it kills us!" *pauses* *replays what he just said* "Okay, not a wise choice of words."

Ringo: "Where's the chicken thing? She's moved, but I can't see her. I hope she's not in our house. No chickens are coming in our house. I won't allow it." *shudders* "God, look at this place. It's so creepy. I'm glad we don't have animatronic places in the UK."

George: "We simply can't afford it 'cause we're poor old b****rds over here. And you're right about the chicken. I can't find her anywhere." *flicks some more* "Oh, hi there, Chica! You're looking good with your... weird... open mouth... that honestly looks like it's ready to fall off. And does she... Does she have two sets of teeth inside her teeth?"

Ringo: "Maybe some poor guy got stuffed inside the chicken suit and only his teeth are visible. Maybe it's the phone fella in the suit! Dun dun DUNNNNNN."

George: "... this is why we let you play drums, you weird child."

Ringo: *pulls a face* "I'm surprised that Bonnie bunny rabbit hasn't moved yet. He's just, y'know, sitting there, keeping old Freddy company. And the Pirate Cove man hasn't said hi to us yet."

George: "Oh, Krishna, Ringo, don't tempt him!"

Ringo: "I'm not trying to! Have a little faith in me, for peace and love's sake! Oh, look, Chica's on the camera. Her bib thing says 'Let's Eat!'. Let's not!"

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