Happy Tree Friends

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(Note: I've never seen Happy Tree Friends before, but one of my friends told me it's extremely violent and gory. I don't normally do violent and gory. I hope you appreciate what I go through for you guys. ~ Macca Sunshine xxxx) 

First Video: Eyes Cold Lemonade

John: "I'm seventy-five, Macs, and you're making me watch a cartoon about Fuzzy Lumpkins and Friends? Seriously, I'm - What the hell? Did that nail just - HOLY SH*T, Fuzzy Lumpkins' face is no more!" *cracks up laughing*

Paul: "It's just some sweet little animals having a lemonade st - What the hell? What the hell?! WHAT THE HELL?! Oh my God, that's horrifying! And the acid from the lemon is - Oh, good Lordy..."

George: "Ye gods, whoever wrote this is seriously messed up. I mean, the concept is cool, but the animation is just a bit, well... Oh my Krishna, that's an eyeball in the lemonade."

Ringo: *staring at the screen in silent horror* "Oh Jeezums... Oh my good golly gosh..."

Second Video: The Way You Make Me Wheel

John: "Why the hell is that guy shaving while he's driving?! Nothing good will come out of this, I'm sure of it. I'm a terrible driver, but I know there are many things you shouldn't do while driving and - Oh God, I told you! He just slit his throat!

Paul: "Ugh! Oh Lordy up above, all that blood and gore. I'm just gonna... shut my eyes for this one... thanks..."

George: *chuckling* "Didn't take long for the tow truck guy to show up. Oops, and there goes the happy little beaver tow truck driver. Nice knowing you, little buddy!"

Ringo: *still frozen with fear* "Holy frick... this is just... the most... jim jam flim flam..."

Final Video: Eye Candy (this one really f**ked me up...)

John: "Oh Christ, how does a f**king lollipop get stuck in a beaver thing's eye?!"

Paul: *peering through his fingers* "Oh my God. Oh my God, no! No! No! Who would watch this?! This is cruelty to animals and I'm not about that life! No, no, no! No!"

George: "Goddamn that bird, it's just - Oh no. Oh no! On NO! Down goes Mr Fuzzy, off the cliff!" *cracks up laughing* "This is so horrible. Why the f**k am I laughing?!"

Ringo: *very near tears* "Bejesus... what the hell did I just watch?! A children's cartoon from Hell?!"

Can you describe what you just watched?

John: "Well, no, and frankly, I don't even want to try and describe what I just saw."

Paul: "A whole group of sweet, innocent little animals getting brutally injured and possibly dying in horrible accidents!" *sighs* "Where do people even find this... I don't know..."

George: "That was very violent. It was gruesome. I loved it. Does that make me a bad person?"

Ringo: "I don't know! You tell me! What sick f**k created such a traumatizing cartoon?!"

What was your first initial thought when the videos started?

John: "I thought it was just a crappy cartoon, all sweet and sugar-coated."

Paul: "A sweet, lovely little cartoon about happy little forest creatures... I have never been more mistaken or felt more betrayed in my life."

George: "A really cute cartoon, something a little girl or a Brony might like."

Ringo: "It reminded me of the sort of TV programmes my little granddaughters might watch on Saturday mornings."

And by the end of the videos, what did you think of them?

John: "Ye gods, what didn't I think? If I told the truth, I don't know... I bet this book would get flagged or banned or something like that."

Paul: "I thought it was brutal. Why would someone create a cartoon about animals suffering horrific injuries? Is this what cartoons have come too? What happened to the Disney-like shows?!"

George: "I kind of wanted to throw up in my mouth a little."

Ringo: "My initial thought was trying to remember when my Netflix membership needs renewing. After watching that, I'm going to need to have a bloody Teletubbies marathon."

The show is called Happy Tree Friends. Is this a good title?

John: "Ha, you could deceive a lot of people with a name like that. Very clever."

Paul: "No! It's a horrible title! I wouldn't be happy if my face was suddenly ripped off!"

George: "It's a bit naff, if you ask me. And it's not very descriptive of the show's content. Gruesome Tree Friends might have been a better title."

Ringo: "It's deceiving, just like its animation style!"

Would you let your kids watch this cartoon?

John: "No way. It would have given Sean nightmares for weeks, and he cried enough as it was!"

Paul: "No, no, not at all. My kids are not watching poor little animals being mistreated in such an atrocious way. Animal rights, people!"

George: "Maybe, but I'd have had to watch it with my son so I could help him through the gorier bits. He might have found it hilarious! Who knows?"

Ringo: "Oh, of course not. If it scared me that much, who knows what it might do to my kids?"

Any words to the parents who let their children watch Happy Tree Friends?

John: "Your style of parenting is questionable, but it's your kid so I won't barge in and tell you how to parent. You do you. I'll do me. We won't do each other." *pauses* "That's a good poem, actually. I should write that down."

Paul: "Monitor your kids, goddammit! If you don't get involved in their watching habits, then they could potentially turn into serial killers or full-on carnivores or something! Then you'd only have yourself to blame... Terrible parents."

George: "It's not suitable for young kids, I'll give it that, but if your sixteen-year-old son is watching Happy Tree Friends, then it's probably okay."

Ringo: "Um, yes, hello. There's a thing called awful parenting. Yeah, that's you."

(Thanks to FluffyFishFanfic for suggesting this!)

(George awards Jelly Baby Points to... 1D_teddybear! Congratulations!)

(There will be more Five Nights at Freddy's and fan-submitted fanfiction reactions in the following chapters. I'm doing a few more other topics first, just to keep things interesting. :D)

(Next Time on Beatles REACT: The Beatles will be introduced to another brilliant and extremely popular YouTuber. He's one of my absolute favourites, and maybe he's one of yours, too! Next week, the lads are reacting to the gaming king himself, Markiplier!)

 He's one of my absolute favourites, and maybe he's one of yours, too! Next week, the lads are reacting to the gaming king himself, Markiplier!)

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