Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

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Reactions during the first few seconds of the trailer:

John: "Oh God, is this one of those weird dystopian future movies? Like that Maze Runner film? I have had bad experiences with those sorts of films. I took Paul to see Maze Runner when it first came out and we had to leave halfway through because his screaming was disturbing the audience."

Paul: "Ooh, this looks interesting! Is it a new movie or something? It looks very reminiscent of old sci-fi films... but also a bit more modern." 

George: "Ha, it's the new Star Wars movie! It was all over my Twitter wall." 

Ringo: "I've had this trailer tweeted to me so many bloody times."

Reactions during the rest of the trailer:

John: "To be honest, I never really go for movies like this... but it looks pretty damn good. When was the last time we had a Star Wars movie released?... No, I mean before the crappy prequels."

Paul: "Hey! It's Harrison Ford! Now he was handsome." *pauses* "I don't mean that in a weird way! All the girls back in the day were dotty about him! Not me, though... 'cause I'm not a girl... I'm just gonna stop talking now..."

George: "The effects, man... You couldn't do that in 1964, that's for sure."

Ringo: *wistful sigh* "I want a light saber."

Okay, that was the trailer for the new Star Wars movie. How big of a Star Wars fan are you?

John: *shrugs* "Ehhhh... I'm not really, but my mate Freddie is a huge fan."

Paul: "Don't hate me because I'm freakin' gorgeous." *sassy hair flip* "I'm actually not that huge of a Star Wars fan, but I've seen the films a few times."

George: "The graphics and plot are amazing... but... I don't know..."

Ringo: "Yeah, I like 'em. Have you seen the light sabers and clothes and droids and stuff?!"

The first Star Wars film debuted in 1977. How old were you then?

John: "Nearly thirty-seven. That age felt old, but nothing compared to what I feel now. Can you believe I'd be turning seventy-six this year? Holy tits..."

Paul: "Excuse me, Miss Rude Lady! I'm not telling my age to the likes of you and the public!"

George: "About thirty-four, thirty-five."

Ringo: "Thirty-seven, but I acted like a child. I still do!" *laughs*

Did you ever think Star Wars would become as popular as it is today?

John: "Hell no. It was just another space movie at the time."

Paul: "No, I did not. However, some people knew it was going to go somewhere. Most films do, but it's just a question of whether that 'somewhere' is up or down."

George: "No, I didn't predict it would. Not until the second film came along."

Ringo: "I had some idea it was going somewhere. My kids went to see it and came back talking about it like they'd witnessed one of Jesus' miracles or something."

Can you describe what it was like when Star Wars was around back in the day?

John: "It was crazy - like Beatlemania had struck all over again. Only this time it was the lads' turn to freak out over something trivial rather than the girls."

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