Dan and Phil (Part Two)

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Hey guys! Sorry I'm so late. The traffic was really bloody horrendous.

John: "You mean to tell us that you've been stuck in traffic for the past four weeks?"

George: "That's absolutely ridiculous!"

You're telling me! Still, that's traffic in Auckland for you. Hey, I remember one time when we were driving to my algebra exam, and we barely had ten minutes to get -

John: "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can we move on? What do you want to show us today?"

Paul: "Not a traffic anecdote, I hope."

George: "Or anything that belongs to me with Strictly Private! written on the front!"

For God's sake, George! Are you still cross about that?

George: "Of course I'm still cross! I had to tell my daughter what a c*** was! Now she's utterly contaminated! I'm a terrible parent!"

John: *rolls eyes* "God, bring us a basin. We're going to be sick."

Rongu: "Listen, George, just remove the stick that's been rammed up your arse and focus on what we're reacting to. All right?"

George: "... fine."

All right, guys, the last time we covered this topic was in November, 2015. But due to popular demand (and an alarming influx of new videos over the past week), we're revisiting the topic a second time!

Paul: "Ahh! This sounds promising!"

Rongu: "Let's do it!"


John: "These goobers again! Honestly, what a load of silliness... two fully-grown men dressing up like little girls and - hold up, is that a unicorn mug?" *pauses* "Paul's been hassling me to buy one for our anni - I mean, uh... his birthday! Yeah... his... uh... birthday." *clears throat*

Paul: "I love the colours - and Dan is bloody working those overalls. Hmm... maybe I should invest in a pair... Wonder what John would say to that... Oh my God, imagine John with pastel blue hair!" *pulls out a pad and pen* "I'm definitely making a note of this. My viewers would love it!"

George: "Aww, how sweet... two grown men dressing up in pink clothes and flower crowns." *chuckles* "But I can see why my Serenity likes them so much. They look like very sweet lads."

Rongu: "Wow, Dan and Phil again! Tell you what, I've missed these guys. They're just so amazing." *pauses* "And they're also not on fire!" *finger guns*

*squeals* Oh my GOD, they're so CUTE!!

John: "..."

Paul: "..."

George: "..."

Rongu: "... Macs, are you... um... okay?"

*crying slightly* Yeah... Yeah, I'm okay... Let's just, uh... *sniffle* move on.

John: "Girls are so bloody weird."

George: "Ha! Try having a teenage daughter, mate. It's a hell of a ride."


John: "Well, moral of the story, kids, don't get piano lessons! Just teach yourselves! That's what I did and I turned out all right." *pauses* "Well, mostly all right."

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