The Monkees

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(Goddamn, I just realised how dorky the Monkees were after watching through all these videos. I guess that's what makes them so lovable! XD)

First Video: (Theme from) The Monkees (1966)

John: "Oh man, it's The Monkees! I wondered when you were going to show us another band, and here it is. I'm not going to lie, they were pretty cool cats. I enjoyed meeting them back in... '69, I think it was?" *sniggers* "Heh, 69..."

Paul: *starts singing along* "Hey, hey, we're the Monkees! And people say we monkey around!" *laughs* "Tell you what, Macs. The Monkees were really lovely people, and they had some great songs too." *sings some more* "We're just trying to be friendly...!"

George: "What I love about these guys was how... I can't really describe it. They acted so crazy and outlandish on telly, but they could be so down-to-earth and groovy when I met them. I guess that's what makes a good human being - having a nice, neat balance of personality traits."

Ringo: "The Monkees were such a lovely group of people. And they weren't afraid to experiment or act like buffoons on TV. I love them." *smiles*

Second Video: Daydream Believer (1968)

John: "Ah, such a lovely little ditty. Davy was actually a really good singer. It was such a shame when he died... but at least I get to see him everyday in Rock Star Heaven now." *sighs* "This music video is just so f**king groovy."

Paul: "Oh, my heart... This is a song that I'd have loved to have written. It makes me want to smile... and dance... but at the same time, I want to cry."

George: "How did music come from beautiful songs like this... to stupid EDM, computer-generated crap about money, clubbing and big-bummed b*tches?"

Ringo: "Mickey can really play the tambourine, there." *grins* "I think he's better at me. I mean, look at those skills! Go on, Mick! Sock it to me!"

Third Video: Porpoise Song (1968)

John: "Oh my... Well, this video puts Magical Mystery Tour to shame. I bloody TOLD Paul we didn't do enough LSD while writing the script!"

Paul: "Well. That was an experience. The harmonies were lovely, I'm not going to lie."

George: "This song is absolutely wonderful, but I can't help thinking that it makes me feel a bit... well, y'know... small and insignificant. It's like, 'what the hell am I?' and 'what is my place in this big, mixed-up universe of ours?'. Man, I'm going to have an existential crisis if I'm not careful."

Ringo: *completely spellbound* "Frick, that was beautiful."


John: "A nice little way to define the 1960s, I suppose... only with more weed."

Paul: "Those four fellows were such a wholesome little band. No wonder the girls liked them!"

George: "I liked it. The songs were great, and the little singer, Davy, has a lot of talent. They're all very talented fellas."

Ringo: "Wonderful. Simply wonderful. My kind of music."

Right, so who was that band you just watched?

John: "The Monkees, of course. Didn't they say that in the first song?"

Paul: "That was The Monkees, four wonderful, entertaining young men - like us, I suppose." *laughs*

George: "The Monkees. I met them a while ago. Lovely guys."

Ringo: "The Monkees! They had a theme song to explain who they are and everything! Why didn't WE have a theme song?..."

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