Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)

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Reactions during the first few seconds of the video:

John: "Oh my God! It's Queen! I love their music!"

Paul: "This may be the real life, but the volume of these guys' hair can only be achieved in fantasy! God, I wish my hair was like that..."

George: "Ah, now this is my kind of music. None of that modern crap."

Ringo: "I take it that this isn't One Direction's latest hit single?"

Reactions during the rest of the video:

John: "Yes, Freddie! You tell them! You won't take their shit anymore! Slay, girl, slay!" 

(Editor's Note: I apologize for John's oddly white-girl-like reactions. He's recently discovered Tumblr, fanbases and Urban Dictionary. If you want to point fingers, blame on of those three.)

Paul: "Oh my... the lyrics are a little dark, but the piano playing and guitar solos are absolutely wonderful. I'm loving this."

George: "Oh, God. That guitar solo... It's just... amazing... Oh my God..."

Ringo: "Music today will probably never live up to the likes of this. Seriously, I haven't heard a single drum solo in any of the modern songs you've shown me in this little book of yours!"


John: "Perfect. There are no other words to describe it."

Paul: "A very powerful song indeed. The lyrics really got me thinking, like, what is Freddie trying to say here? Is he sad? Is he hurt? Upset? We'll never know."


Ringo: "The music is wonderful, the lyrics are deep. A very, very good song indeed."

Any ideas on the meaning behind Bohemian Rhapsody?

John: "Hmm, tricky. Freddie never did tell anyone the meaning behind the song, did he? I think it was a sort of 'coming out' song. It sounded like his thoughts and worries about being queer were weighing down on him, and he experienced all different kinds of emotions. Bohemian Rhapsody is the result of all that emotion."

Paul: *laughs* "I honestly have no idea. It's a beautiful song - meant to be enjoyed but no one really thinks about the meaning behind it. I'd rather listen to it how it was intended to be."

George: "Old Freddie was going through some tough shit, man... When you're an overly emotional musician and you're going through rough times, music is basically your only escape."

Ringo: "I don't know, but I love the song. It sounded like someone was dealing with depression about something pretty major. Whatever it was, it was enjoyable. Ten out of ten."

Do you know and/or like any other Queen songs?

John: "Crazy Little Thing Called Love saved my career. Of course I love it."

Paul: "I like their softer songs, like You're My Best Friend. That's a lovely song."

George: "Anything with an amazing guitar riff. I Want to Break Free is a personal favourite of mine, and the music video was bloody hilarious!"

Ringo: "I don't mean to sound cheeky, but Fat Bottomed Girls is one of my favourites. I thought it was silly little song. Oh, and Don't Stop Me Now has a great drum solo in the middle."

I have to ask... who is your favourite member of Queen?

John: "Freddie Mercury, of course! His music is what convinced me to stop being such a recluse and make a comeback in music!"

Paul: "John Deacon. We're both bass players. We both have amazing hair."

George: "Brian May and his amazing guitar skills. I wonder if he'd be interested in doing a collaboration - him on guitar and me on sitar?"

Ringo: "Roger Taylor. His drumming was spot-on, not to mention his vocals."

Any remarks to the viewers who wanted you to watch this?

John: "Thank you so much! I love you guys more than ever now!"

Paul: "For all you fangirls out there, I think I'll go home and break out my Night at the Opera record, just for old time's sake."

George: "You don't happen to know how to get hold of Queen, do you?"

Ringo: "You guys must have learned your lesson about wanting to shock us with your crazy modern hippy-hop music. Thanks for giving us something decent to listen to!"

And now... a final word from Ringo:

Ringo: *drums on the tabletop* *sings* "So you think you can read this and forget to subscri - iii - ibe? Make sure to like this chapter, and maybe add Beatles REACT to your library so you'll be notified when a new chapter is uploaded! And remember, you can leave a suggestion for future chapters down below in the comments, or send Macca a message! Goodbye, lovely readers!"

(Thanks to AndILoveJohn and LittleBeatlemaniac for suggesting this!)

(George awards Jelly Baby Points to... FatherMcKenzie! Congratulations!)

(Next Time on Beatles REACT: A bit of a throwback for those of you who grew up watching Disney Channel back in the early 2000's. Thanks to a wonderfully unusual request, The Fab Four will be reacting to the classic Disney show, Hannah Montana. I don't know about you guys, but I'm looking forward to seeing their reactions!)

 I don't know about you guys, but I'm looking forward to seeing their reactions!)

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