Chapter 16 : Unknown Number Cont'd

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Bruno's POV

I woke up and felt refreshed. Amira was finally my girl. Now I can really show her how I feel. I got a text from her asking do I want hangout today. I was so willing to hangout with her. To prepare to hangout with my girlfriend, I took a shower and shaved. I put on a graphic tee and some shorts with my converses. I dried my hair and put on my favorite red beanie. I got in the car and was on my way to my girl's house. As I was driving, I seen the same car following me that was following us last night. It was Ashley ! I could clearly see her face and she looked mad. I pulled up to Amira's house. I rung the doorbell and my baby answered. Hey babe! And she gave me a hug.

Amira's POV

The doorbell rung and I was kinda afraid to answer after I got that anonymous text. I answered it was Bruno! I was happy to see him. He said "Hey babe". I already like when he call me that. "So what are the plans for today" he asked. Well I wanted to chill here and watch movies with my boo. Alright we can do that he said. The movie we started watching was Finding Nemo. Me and Bruno fell asleep and I was in his arms. I woke up and it was around 6pm. I tapped Bruno and told him to get up. He was like noo give me five minutes. I started tickling him. He bussed out laugh. I ran away and he was like now your gonna get it. I tried to hide, but it was too late. Bruno grabbed me from behind and threw me on my bed. He started tickling me, making me laugh loud and crazy. Okay I'm sorry I said still laughing. I started crying because of how much I was laughing. Bruno stopped and I playfully punched him in his arm. "Ouch" he said. I stood up and said carry me back to the couch. He threw me over his shoulder and started running. He dropped me off at the couch and I was dizzy. We sat there and restarted the movie. I looked into Bruno's eyes. They were so cute. We got closer and closer and as I was about to kiss him, he started tickling me again! Then we heard a loud shatter. Someone busted the window of Bruno's car...

To Be Continued...

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