Your love.

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Amira's POV

It's been two weeks since I seen Bruno. I'm surprised he haven't tried to call or text me. I wanted to trust Bruno. As I get ready for the day, I wash up and do my hygiene. As I got dress, my phone started to ring. It was Eric.

**Text Convo**

From Eric: Hey stranger

To Eric:Hey what's up

From Eric:The sky is ;).

To Eric:You're such a smart ass.

From Eric:Lol, but what are you doing today.

To Eric:Nothing I just got out the shower.

From Eric:Oh really and you didn't invite me ! :(

To Eric:Oh shut up! Lol but we can hangout if you want to! :)

From Eric:Okayy well ill pick you up in a few.

To Eric: alright and don't dress like me this time! Lol

Eric and I was gonna hang out again. Last time was fun just catching up with him. I went to my closet to pick out something to wear. I didn't wanna be sexy around him because he might try to do something. I put on my Most Dope tank top some black skinny jeans and my vans. I love me some vans! I grabbed my SnapBack and headed downstairs. Today should be fun with my "friend".

Bruno's POV

It's been two weeks since I seen Amira. I really miss her, and I just wanna see her. I wanted to text her but I needed to give her time and space for her to think. I got out of bed and took a shower. I've been in bed for a week just thinking about what I've done. I really hope she forgives me. As I got out of the shower, I had a missed call. Thinking it was Amira, it was Phil. I threw my phone on the bed and got dress. I put on my Most Dope shirt jeans and my vans. I remember me and Amira got these shirts together and she called me a copy catter for getting the same shirt. As I walked down the steps, I got a text from Phil saying "hey man what are you doing, I haven't heard from you in a week. Give me a call back!"

I read the and laughed a little bit. I did kinda disappear from everyone. I just needed to get my mind together. Maybe I should just text Amira and see how's she's doing...

Amira's POV

My door bell ringed and it was Eric. "Hey girl." Eric said in a girly voice. "Heyyy." As I walked out the door Eric grabbed my hand walked me to the car. When we got to his car he went to his side and got in. "Your not gonna be a gentleman and open my door." I said. "You have hands so open it." Eric said laughing. I stuck my middle finger up at him and got in the car. While Eric was driving I got a text, it was from Bruno.

**text convo**

From"My Baby": Hey Beautiful.

To "My Baby": Hey Bru!

From "My Baby": I see you miss me. <3

To "My Baby": Shut up. What's up wyd.

From "My Baby": The sky :) and I was just thinking about you. (Why is everyone being a smart ass!!)

To "My Baby": Smart Ass ! Lol and Awww!

From "My Baby": I was kinda wondering do you want to hangout.

To "My Baby": Oh sorry your to late I'm hanging with Eric.

From "My Baby": Oh.. Well maybe later we can.

To "My Baby": Sure thats if I get home in time.

From "My Baby": Alright well dress sexy :) !

It seemed like me and Bruno was on a good note. I wanted to forgive but I would just wait until tonight. As I looked up from my phone we were in front of Dave in Busters. The grown up Chuck E Cheese.

2 hours Later!

I was exhausted from playing with Eric. He was like a little kid. As we drove home, Eric tried to grab my hand but I pulled away. I was still with Bruno. He pulled up to my house and turned the car off. "Thanks for showing me a good time." I said. "No problem, lets do it again another time." Eric said. I got out of the car and went into the house. I texted Bruno and told him I'm getting ready now. I got in the shower. After 10 mins, I got out the shower. I put on my sexy black dress with some heels. I heard the door bell ring as I was finishing my hair. When I opened the door, it was Bruno.

"Hey beautiful, you look great." Bruno said. He didn't look himself. "You look good too!" I said. He grabbed my hand and took me to the car and opened the door for me. Such a gentle man. "Where are we going." I asked. "To dinner and then the is a surprise." He said. I smacked my teeth and looked out the window. We pulled up to my favorite restaurant after our dinner, we got into the car and Bruno started driving. It looked like we was heading to the beach. I was right we was at the beach. I got out the car and Bruno grabbed me by my waist. He went to the trunk and got out his guitar. Omg what is he about to do. We walked in the sand and Bruno chose a random spot. " I wanted to do this a long time ago." I was kinda nervous of what he was gonna do. I sat down in the sand and Bruno pulled out his guitar. He started to sin and tears came to my eyes. (He sung Treasure!!!) he kneeled down in the sand and started holding my hands. I pulled him closer and gave him a kiss. I felt chills go down my spine and butterflies in my stomach. He grabbed my waist and I pulled away. He smiled. On the way home from my amazing day, Bruno grabbed my hand. I accepted it. Once we pulled up, Bruno leaned in and kissed me. It was long and passionate. I pulled away and whispered "come in." I got out the car and went in the house with Bruno following me. He carried me upstairs. He through me on the bed and started kissing on my neck. He lifted up my dress and kissed on my inner thighs...



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