Male!Artemis & Female!Apollo

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As usual, Artemis and Apollo were arguing.


The argument, as usual, was about the fact that Apollo always flirt with her Hunters or with any female he could encounter.

"C'mon, little sis..." Apollo was insisting, using the dreadful nickname that Artemis despises, which only caused that could get more madder "You can't help that your Hunters are gorgeous-"

"I don't care about your reasons, Apollo!" Artemis snapped at him, glaring her silver eyes at him "You know my Hunters are out. Of. Limits!!"

"You know, you're not very fair with men either..." Artemis got startled by that statement "You judge them without even getting to know them!"

"I don't need to know them!!" she retorted at him "They all think alike!!"

"You don't say the same of Perseus, do you?" Artemis was mute. Apollo had trapped her in a fact she couldn't argue "That's what-"

"Perseus is different" Artemis scowled at her brother "He's not like you... Even Zoë agreed he is different"

"But, you don't give anyone but him to prove their difference, do you?" Apollo pushed her "Admit it, Artemis! You did the same mistake with Orion and, this time, you're not willing to see the truth!!"

"Men are just walking hormones..." Artemis managed to say, her hands curled into fists.

"If you were a guy, you'd understand this urge to be around girls all the time" Apollo grumbled, as if that was an splendid reason to justified himself.

But, it was as if Apollo had predicted what would happened afterwards.

No even seconds later, Apollo noticed a few changes on his sister. She was more tall, built than her usual posture. Her chest was more flat and square (not that he would look at his sister in that area with second intentions, no!). Her arms became bigger and rounder. Her long auburn hair surrounded her face, which chin became more edger and less feminine.

Artemis, on the other hand, watched as her brother's figure became more stylized. It was as if he was getting shorter under her eyes. His arms got smaller and delicate, his hands losing the roughness of battle or the musical instruments he played all day long. The face was more pointed and angulated, instead of square.

Both of them thought this was a sick joke of the other one.

"Hell, sis... You make a fine guy..." Artemis frowned at her brother's words, which she found senseless "I bet girls won't be able to take their hands off you..."

"If I were a guy, which I'm not-" she emphasized, raising a finger "-I'd be more than capable to keep it to myself than you could ever!" she dared him, smirking "Though, you couldn't pick up girls like a girl" Artemis' voice dripped sarcasm and she was enjoying it.

"Hahaha! You're so funny, sis..." Apollo mocked her, not realizing about his own situation "Even as a girl, I couldn't stop my impulses... Besides, women have needs as much as men" he bragged about himself, pushing some hair away from his face.

"I dare you to stop you impulses" Artemis finally dared him, serious "Just like you dare me to stop mine" She pulled her hand out, still not noticing the changes on her. Apollo did the same, not noticing either.

"You have a deal, dear sister... Or should I say, dear brother?" Artemis frowned, but grabbed the mirror Apollo made appear out of thin air.

When Artemis saw her reflection, she dropped the mirror with a horrified expression. She began looking around her new body, between confusion and hatred. Apollo wasn't helping with the situation by laughing out like a maniac.

"I- I-"

"You're a boy, dear Artemis" Apollo completed the sentence Artemis wasn't able to speak because of her stuttering, with a smirk "I hope this doesn't make you back out on our bet..." he pouted, knowing that would outrage Artemis.

"You turned me into a boy!!" Artemis accused Apollo, furious. His eyes were glowing silverly in dangerous, and Apollo wasn't even scared of that. He had dealt with an angry Artemis before.

"Relax, bro... You look fine-"

"Fine? Fine?! Do I look fine to you?!" Apollo could admit that his sister/brother was slightly good looking (slightly because Apollo would never admit someone was hotter than him), but he nodded "And, what about you?! You'll still be thinking it's a joke?!" When Apollo heard those words, he frowned and picked up the mirror Artemis had dropped and glanced at himself.

"Oh my..." she mumbled when she saw herself. Artemis waited for the complains, the screams of horror, the raging fury. But she got none of that "I'm so hot"

That was really disappointed.

"Some gods don't change, no matter what happens to them, can they?" Artemis sarcastically offered, turning around and leaving the presence of Apollo.

"Artemis, wait!" Apollo stopped him, running after him. Artemis turned around, raising at eyebrow at her "You think I should use a skirt of some shorts for tonight?" By now, Artemis was fuming. He couldn't believe Apollo would take this so lightly. Their roles had been reverse! He was now what he despises most and was stuck till Hecate knows how long until one god finds the solutions for this switch. Didn't she understand the gravity of the situation?! He had Hunters to take care of and none of them will appreciate that their Mistress was transformed into what they hate the most! If anything, they will chase him away with their bows and arrows!

"I can't believe you think this is a joke!" Artemis exploded at her. Apollo rolled her eyes and looked at him as if he had gone insane "Aren't you a little worry that we'll never return back to normal? That we can't be who we really are and have to walk around in a body that doesn't belong to us?!"

"Artemis, bro, you have to relax..." Apollo stretched the word 'relax' out, as if that helped Artemis to relax "Am I happy with this situation? No, of course not" That confession surprised Artemis, who was waiting a monolog on how she was awesome in any form she took "I can't be the God of the Sun if I'm a woman" she emphasized "But, I plan to take out of this experience everything I can, so I can finally understand you a little more because I'm tired of your complains about men and how women are innocent" Artemis didn't surprise himself that wasn't an altruist thought behind that.

"You'll never understand women" he stated, serious.

"We'll see about that, little bro" Apollo smirked before walking away. Artemis curled his hands into fists, ready to prove himself.

Their bet was on.


Question Of The Chapter: how would you react if you got genderswap?

Question Of The Day: is tradition in Argentina to built the Christmas tree on December 8th... Do you make it?

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