Chapter 34 - Swap: Hermes, Ariadne & Dionysus

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Hermes was running.

Some would ask, 'Oh, why is Hermes running? She is always on a rush, there's no way to tell why she's running...' Well, apparently this time, she had a reason. And a good one, that is. She was running to save her own life, apparently.

You see, just like Apollo, Hermes is goddess of many things. If anyone is asked who has more names, they would say it's a tie between Hermes and Apollo. Now, Hermes was honoring two of those many things: pranking and cross-country running.

"Hermes!!!" A high-pitched voice screamed after her, making her glance behind her to see two annoyed and furious Dionysus and Ariadne running after her. Hermes smirked and continued her escape, which was sure she would make. A tiny part of her brain, a part that is always crushed under the rest of it, was scolding her about pranking Dionysus and Ariadne while they were on a date.

Surprisingly, the voice sounded too much like Martha.

But Martha was nowhere near her at the moment, as her loyal caduceus was stored safely away in her room's temple, just in case someone got a hold on it or in case said serpent decided that nagging her while doing a prank was a great idea. Of course, George would be there to balance things, thinking about rats and annoying the Hades out of them into get a few to eat.

"You'll never catch me!!" Hermes boasted towards them, cackling like mad. Of course, that was her mistake, not looking worry about it.

Dionysus was a very vindictive person, but Ariadne was even more than her. This was the man that ran away with Theseus and, according to one version of the story, cut his own brother to pieces so that his father, who was following them, picked the pieces up to bury him properly! He could only be compared in that emption with Hera!

So, Ariadne was the first one to sprung into action after Hermes spoke those words. He stopped running, clenching his fists next to his body. Few seconds later, the ground beneath him started to shake and walls started to grow out of nowhere, in a very weird pattern. To an outside, it could be a very random design, but to Ariadne and Dionysus and everyone who knew her story, made absolutely sense.

She was building a labyrinth.

Hermes hadn't caught with the idea, she just kept avoiding the walls that were growing around her, panting tired after a while. She was the Goddess of Roads, she would find a way out of that mess without any trouble. She would fly over the walls and simply get away from all that.

Unfortunately for Hermes, Dionysus decided to help her husband and use her own powers to stop Hermes. She began creating vines that would cover the walls and the edges of the walls. When Hermes started to fly or try to fly over the walls, the vines came to life and began capturing her ankles before pulling her down with force to the floor.

While Hermes complained about her hurt bum, she missed the change that was happening around her body. Her body started to become a little more built and filled. No longer her legs and arms were thin and defined with delicacy and poise, but filed with muscles and hair around. The clothes that were over her skin felt a little tight around the edges and her sandals became too much little for her new manly feet. Her face covered itself with curly and short hair, no longer, well... longer. The only remaining feature was his shaved chin, that was never something that he encouraged before.

Meanwhile, Dionysus and Ariadne had climbed over one wall (well, actually, all that Ariadne had to do was to ask for a set of stairs, as he would never dignify himself climbing one of his creations), trying not to laugh out loud at his disgrace. While they were laughing, their change occurred.

Dionysus was the most noticeable change of the couple. Normally, the gods and goddess had a fit figure, as they change it at will, but Dionysus was one of the few that had a chbby, almost fat, figure. The change from slim and petite to chubby and petite was fairly noticeable. Her hair, that had a nice shade of purple, became short and left him almost bald, along with a messy long beard that made him look like a drunk version of Moises or Jesus... And Dionysus was not glad with that comparisons.

Ariadne's first change was his hight. Before, he was almost 6'8", in comparison to the 5'7" that was now. The hair that was around his face shrunk and disappeared from his chin and, magically, was added to her hair, making it as long as it was before. Her body became slimmer and her waist, more small that before, showing off her breasts, that seemed to compensate her image. Her clothes were a little loose around the edges, but she didn't care at the moment.

"Were the vines necessary??" Hermes complained, still on the floor, rubbing his head. Ariadne simply smiled at him.

"We can not allow you to cheat, Hermes..." Dionysus argued, looking slightly murderous "You're becoming as arrogant as the brats I have to look after in that damned camp!"

"Now, now, sweetheart..." Ariadne tried to sooth her husband, rubbing his arm "That's an insult for the demigods..."

"You're right" Dionysus agreed, smirking back at Hermes "You know how this works, Hermes: find the way out without flying and learn your lesson..."

"Fine, fine!! I see you on the other side..." Hermes replied, waving his hand in a dismissing way towards them.

"No need to be dramatic, you know..." Ariadne rolled her eyes, but flashed away with her husband, leaving Hermes to resolve and find the way out her labyrinth.

He was gonna be in there for some time...


My apologies for not delivering the chapter when it was due (last week). I was planning of uploading yesterday, along with the next three chapters, but yesterday turned out to be a complicated day for me, starting that I was without electricity and no wifi to hang on. It's been like that since 4pm yesterday and it was so serious the fireman came to cut the electricity of my neighbor (picture above. BTW, I'm at my Chinese lesson this morning, using the wifi of the instuitute, while my iPad and iPhone are recharged batteries in front of me!) So, I apologize for not being able to read/reply to your comments or reviews... I surely hope that when I get home, this situation is normalized. All chapters should be uploaded by Saturday afternoon.

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