Chapter 27 - Anger Issues

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Hestia decided that the best way to help was making them talk.

That'a why he arranged a meeting with Zeus and Hera in some abandoned mortal scrapyard.

Hera's reaction was immediate.

"Urgh, why are we here?" he looked around, his nose up high, as he was smelling something putrid. Hestia rolled his eyes, but faced him and Zeus, who looked like she was a little hangover again.

"Because I want you to work in your anger issues" he stated, serious "You seem to have a lot of anger towards the other and I think the only way to push it out is by reducing some broken cars into scraps... Not that the mortals will miss them anyway..." he pointed out at the end, giving valid reasons on why their meeting should be held there.

"We don't have anger issues..." Zeus trailed a little, holding the sunglasses she was wearing against her face. Definitely, a hangover.

"Talk for you, Zeus" Hera spatted at her, crossing her arms on his chest. Hestia sighed and guided them inside until she found a couple of cars that were not as damage "Now what?"

"It's very easy. You just have to take this baseball bat in your hands, say why you're angry and smash the car with all your strengths... Don't care if you turn it to dust" Hestia explained, gesturing one of the cars. Since none of the gods moved, Hestia gestured Hera towards the car. Groaning, Hera placed in front of the car, grabbing the baseball bat Hestia offered him.

"I'm angry that I was being dragged to this yunkyard!" he started, smashing the left front light "I'm angry at people for thinking I'm some cold-hearted!" Crush! Right front light "I'm angry at myself for allowing to be tricked by Zeus the first time!" This time, the windows got the hit "I'm angry that she doesn't treat me like I deserve it!!" Left side doors "I'm angry that my kids look up to her more than me, making me the villan!!" Clung! The hood "I'm angry that everyone thinks I'm trying to take his power when K want equality for the women there!!" The right side doors "I'm angry that she can't stay loyal to me!!" The roof "But, I'm more than angry that I allow her to do so!!!" That last statement was fueled with so much anger, so much frustration, Hera turned it into a 'home run' of sorts, while Hestia and Zeus watched, amazed.

Hestia was happy that Hera could let go of his frustrations. He took a hesitantly step towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Feeling a lot better?" he asked, gently. Hera was still panting because of his frustration and anger, but nodded slightly and returned him the bat. Hestia grabbed it without saying a word and hugged Hera, taking him by surprise "I'm proud of you... And I'm sorry if I ever thought something like that about you..." she apologized at the end, knowing he would appreciate it.

"That's nice to hear..." he acknowledged, patting awkwardly Hestia's back. Satisfied, Hestia gestured Zeus to come over, who looked like she wanted to be somewhere else instead of there with them.

"Now, Zeus... Anything you want to say to Hera?" Zeus stared at Hestia, as if he'd gone insane. Shaking her head, she took a step back.

"Why would I want to say something?" Hestia rolled his eyes again and shook his head. How could she be so shallow.

"Forget it" Hera interrupted, looking defeated. Hestia looked at him, making sure of what he was saying "She'd never admit she made a mistake and, even if she did so, I'd be to blame..."

"But... That's not right!!"

"That's what it is, Hestia..." Hera patted Hestia's back, smiling at him. Hestia smiled back, not remembering when was the last time that Hera smiled "Thank you for this, anyway... I'll turn it in a routine and help around here"

"Yeah, yeah..." Zeus cut in, waving her hand around "Can we go? There's a party this afternoon that I don't wanna miss..." She didn't wait for an answer, she just flashed away without warning. Hera curled his hands into fists, but kept calm.

"I'm sorry..." Hestia said to him "For what's worth, you have my vote for the change of responsibility" Hera's eyes were shinning with unshed tears, which made it a little bizarre to see him crying. Smiling, Hestia thought she made a lot of progress with them today. Well, with him, at least.

"Let's go have a coffee... My treat..."


Question of the Day: The Olympics are starting today! Are you gonna see the opening ceremony? What's your favorite sport? And... what team are you?

Question of the Chapter: You think Hera is actually good or bad? Or is Zeus to blame for her behavior?

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