Chapter 21 - Voting

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Hermes was bored.

Which was something very hard to do, as she had the attention of a little child: shinny things were her doom and she had to steal them. Her job had fell to a second place and it wasn't that important. Or so she thought.

"I'm bored!" she whined from her bed, upside down, and her head hanging down from the edge. Martha and George were watching her from the newly stolen wood bureau, not knowing what to say "Why am I bored? I never get bored!"

"Maybe, you're a little upset Poppy is spending time with Artemis..." George pointed out, gaining a glare from Hermes "Of course, I know nothing, I'm male..."

"Chicken..." Martha mocked him, though it had the opposite effect.

"Chicken? Nah, I prefer rats... More juicy..." George licked his lips, earning a tail smack from Martha "Hey!"

"Forget this ignorant, Hermes..." Martha ignored George's complain and turned to Hermes, who was complaining loudly "You should find something to do... What about reading alien mail? You might find some gossip..."

"Nope! Today's generation is boring..." she complained "No romance, no nothing! Always with those cellulars and electronics... I should never had invented those!!"

"Oh, dear... You helped a lot of people to communicate between themselves... You should be proud and happy..." Martha insisted, trying that would lift Hermes' spirit. Not a very good tactic so far "Well, if you're unhappy about it, you should do some kind of awareness campaign..." she suggested, innocently.

"That's it!!" Hermes jumped from her bed, all excited and happy.

"That's it what, dear?" Martha repeated, not understanding where Hermes' brain had landed her.

"I'll do a massive campaign about our situation with the rest of the gods and goddesses! We'll either demand our turning back or us staying that way!!"

"Didn't Hera try to do that? And failed spectacularly?" George butted in, trying to be included in the conversation. Martha hissed at him, but Hermes actually replied.

"She tried to gain the power, no! She didn't fail, just gave more time into researching for an antidote, if there is an antidote... But, not us! What we should do is to acknowledged to ourselves if the change is good or not!" Hermes explained, all serious and excited "We'll put this under democratic vote! The minor also have decision and we're not listening to them!"

"Who are you and what you have done to the careless and funny Hermes we all know and love?" George stared at her, earning another hissing of Martha "Keep hissing, woman, and you'll cut your tongue with your own fangs!"

"I'll stop hissing when you stop talking like an idiot of a snake!" Martha retorted, before going back to Hermes "Hermes, dear, while I realize that your enterprise is commendable, you think you could manage that in less than a week?" Hermes chuckled at Martha.

"Oh, Martha... I'm the Goddess of Road and Communitation... I can manage to get to everyone in less than a few hours!" Hermes praised herself, smiling.

"About time you showed up!" George interrupted the moment, earning two glares from Martha and Hermes, but he didn't realize it "An impostor was posing as you in your own body- Ouch!" Martha slapped her tail around George's mouth to shut him up.

"Thank you, Martha! Now, to start off my campaign!" Hermes celebrated, grabbing the caduceus and walking out the room.

She was full of ideas!


A few hours later after Hermes had her idea, Olympus in its total magnitude, was covered in advertisements and posters. None of them had Hermes' sigh, but it had her signature calligraphy. And, every poster and advertisement was also equipped with a bucket. Many of the minor transformed gods and goddesses stopped to read them and find out what were the news about.

Are you a god/goddess, accidentally turned into a goddess/god?

Are you not allow into Council meetings because you're not one of the main Olympians?

Are you tired of not being listened?

Then, the solution could be at your reach, in this moment!!

If you wanna make your voice known when the week is over (that's the period of time our lovely ruler-for-the-moment Hera gave working-against-the-clock Athena and I'm-responsible-for-this-accident Hecate to find a solution), come vote for your future before next Friday Night. Your opinion would be heard!

If you're in favor of switching back (meaning, you were a guy, now a girl and you wanna be a guy again, for example), choose a blue token and place it into the bucket!

If you're against switching back (meaning, you were a guy, now a girl and you wanna remain a girl, for example), choose a red token and place it into the bucket!

If you don't know which side to join, please, grab one of the forms that are attached to this advertisement or poster and complete it with your worries and concerns! Our staff would try to reply to you as soon as possible!

Remember, you can only vote once, so we prefer that you fill a form first instead of voting! That could help you clear your mind! The form might not be annonymus, but the voting is, so don't be afraid to speak your mind!

Remember also, your vote count as much as the one from the mayor gods and goddesses!

Make your voice be heard!

WARNING: Your votes would be taken to the Council meeting by the current goddess of communications and messengers, Hermes. Please, if you hold a grudge against her, put it aside when you vote.


Question of the Day: How did you spend the first month of summer holidays? (for the ones that were on summer holidays)

Question of the Chapter: Which color should be win? Red? Or Blue?

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