Chapter 9 - Tea Party

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News of Hera's plans were spreading like wildfire, very quickly, between the newly gods.

Reason that made Persephone and Amphitrite to meet.

Both former goddesses were trapped into their now wives' jobs and with now useful help on how to deal with some of the problems.

"I'm sorry to made you interrupt your job, Amphitrite..." Persephone apologized for his unannounced presence into the realm of the Sea "I just didn't know to whom else to turn..."

"You have nothing to apologize about it, Persephone" Amphitrite lied about it. He had pile up work that he'd saw Poseidon getting rid of it in a day. He was having trouble handling it the same way "Besides, it is a nice interruption... I swear I was driving insane!" The unexpected outburst of truth allowed Persephone to relax himself.

"I feel the same way about it..." he recognized "I swear I don't know how Hades can handle that job without being completely moody!"

"I'm used to help Poseidon on her job... Things she thought I could handle... Now, I see she was giving me the easiest jobs!" Amphitrite realized, getting angry "I remember thinking to myself, I could do a better job, I could handle other assigments, or the classic one... If he allowed me to help with her job, she would have more time to spend with me!" he recalled, getting upset.

"In my case, is different..." It was Persephone's time to tell his side "I used to make her work till the point that was not necessary for her to meet me... Of course, Father and his nagging helped as well..." he sighed, thinking how wrong was things turning "Now, it turns out that her job is so depressing, that I'm surprised that she always wanted to spend time with me at the end of the day, even when I always pushed her away!"

"Don't get me starting on someone being nagging..." Amphitrite gritted his teeth "Since the change, Triton's been whining and complaining that she could not be the heiress if the throne, since the law dictates that only a male can take it... That kid is one drama diva"

"Father kept nagging me so much since the change that I shut him up... I swear I never screamed so much to someone in my life! Not even Hades!" Persephone moaned, looking terrified "How does she stands him?"

"Either that's love or someone's very lonely and hearing voices that are not from the dead is a welcome change"  Amphitrite voiced his opinion out to Persephone, leaving him thinking "Anyway, that's not the entire reason of why you came here, right?" he attacked the problem in the roots. Persephone nodded.

"True... I'm sure you heard the rumors about Hera's plans?" Persephone wondered, not wanting to assume anything. Amphitrite nodded.

"Yeah... And I also heard the, um, quarrel that Nike and Hera had outside the the first's temple..." Amphitrite had a hard time to keep his face staright. Persephone chuckled, nodding as well. He had heard it too "It was obvious that Hera wanted Nike to hear to what he wanted to say..."

"Having Nike on his side would guarantee him an easy victory..." Persephone noted "But, I'm not sure that it would be a good change..."

"Why you think so?" Amphitrite asked, having doubts himself.

"Hera and yourself had admitted that you thought you could do Poseidon and Zeus' job even better than them" Amphitrite raised an eyebrow, not very sure where this was going "While I, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with Hades' job. I couldn't, I can't and I won't see myself doing that kind of job for the enternity! I simply can't do it! It's not in our nature!"

"I can see your point, Persephone" Amphitrite stated, in deep thinking "The bad part is that I also see Hera's point of view. Being female in a chauvinist society is rough enough..."

"I'm not saying we should bow to them, no" Persephone stopped those thoughts "Though I also see Hera's points, depriving males of their power will lead us into another civil war, no matter how long or how many laws we create to pull a barrier between us and them" Amphitrite stared at Persephone, impressed.

"That's some very enlighten thoughts..." Persephone shrugged at the praise.

"Works when you don't have your own Father whispering stuff at your ear on how mad is your wife..."

"So, you say we should have some kind of rebellion against the main rebellion?" Persephone shook his head at this.

"If the quarrel with Nike didn't teach anything to Hera, we should step in, making him see what he'll do if he continues... Not to mention that with or without Nike's support, this would fall apart quickly..."

"That sounds like a plan, Persephone..." Amphitrite agreed, nodding "Perhaps, we should make this meetings even more frequently, no matter the situation..."

"I agree with you... Unlike Zeus, our wives don't cheat on us with every mortal they see..." Amphitrite stubbornly agreed to the statement that Persephone made. It was true, Poseidon didn't cheat on him with every mortal that crossed her way. True too, she would find one once in a while, but it wasn't every month like Zeus. Nor it would be because of the physical appearance only. Though, he didn't like her offspring, he knew that didn't hold a candle to Triton (even when she turned to be a whining diva) "I should leave you back to your duties... I hope I don't rush back here because of another melt down..."

"Please, do" Amphitrite mocked Persephone. He knew it wouldn't be long before they saw each other again. With bad luck, sooner than they expected.


Question of the Day: Happy April Fool's!! Who are you planning on pranking today?

Question of the Chapter: Should Persephone and Amphitrite be more supportive of their wives? Should Triton stop behaving like a diva?

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