Chapter 14 - Stronger Than Words

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Amphirtrite was growing worried.

The fact that now he was ruling the seas and not Poseidon would allow her the freedom she wanted to cheat on him on his back. At least, when she was in charge, it was easier to control her, because her responsibilities were many and big. Now, he's the one dealing with that charge.

Amphitrite didn't know what to do. Half of the time, he couldn't concentrate because he was worried that Poseidon was around, getting on with some random guy and having another demigod child. At least before, she could never tell. Now, things were different. Very different.

'M'Lord Amphitrite? Are you listening?' Amphitrite was brought back to reality when he heard Delphin talking to him. He sighed and nodded.

"I'm sorry, Delphin, I'm a little distracted..." he admitted, shaking his head. Delphin nodded as well and swam away the throne room, leaving Amphitrite alone with his thoughts. Not seconds after Delphin left, there was a knock on the door "Come in!" The door opened slightly and Poseidon's head appeared.

"Delphin said you were distracted..." she explained, walking inside. Amphitrite nodded, but kept quiet "What are you thinking so much that has you like this?" she wondered, not knowing the answer.

"Hera's proposal" he lied, looking up to see her reaction. However, she shrugged and nodded.

"Hera is as close as Zeus in her dramatical ways..." she mocked the King of Heaven before swimming closer "But, I think that's not the only thing that's on your mind..."

"But, that doesn't mean I'll let you know what's on my mind" Amphitrite replied, defensively. Poseidon raised her hands and stood where she was.

"I understand and I can see you don't trust me... Is that the problem?" Amphitrite looked up, surprised that Poseidon had noticed the problem from the start. Of course, his surprised gave him away, but he quickly placed on a scowl.

"Of course I don't" Amphitrite decided to be honest with her, even though he just said he didn't want to share his problems "When you ruled the seas and I helped you, it was easy to know if you were cheating on me or it was harder to figure it out... Now, with this... problem" he gestured them and their bodies "I'm the one sitting here all day, while you are only the gods know where, free of responsibilities and away in the mortal world-"

"You think I'm cheating on you, 24/7, like Hera would accuse Zeus?" Poseidon picked up quickly his distrust and hatred for the situation and had the decency of looking upset at that comment. That silenced the couple, who was staring at each other intensely "Take the day off"

"Excuse me?" Amphitrite blinked in surprise, because that was the last thing he expected to come out of his mouth.

"You heard me, take the day off..." Poseidon smirked at him "We're gonna spend the day up in the mortal world and we're gonna have the talk we were suppose to had eons ago" she declared before flashing out of the room, leaving a very confused and shocked Amphitrite behind.


"So, when are we gonna have that 'pending' chat?" Amphitrite questioned, impatient at Poseidon. Since they had arrived to the mortal world, Poseidon had kept quiet, walking around the place without having an specific destination.

"When we get to the lake" she announced, serious. Amphitrite huffed, but kept quiet about it. Soon, they arrived to a small lake and Poseidon took seat in a nearby bench "Please" she asked, gesturing the place next to her. Amphitrite sat, kind of wary "I guess I deserve your mistrust..." she started, looking down. In all their years together, Amphitrite had never seen her acting so shyly before.

"Is this one of those chats were you don't know where to begin?" he wondered, earning a nod from her.

"Before meeting you, I admit I was a little bit of a player- not like Zeus, mind you, nor like Aphrodite or Apollo..." she began, sighing "I thought that if I married with someone it will only end up like Zeus and Hera... I didn't want to have those fights all the time, so I pursued the bachelor life..." she stopped for a second and looked up at him "But, I saw you and it was different..." she admitted.

"Different how?" he pushed, knowing his cheeks were getting red.

"I didn't want to force anyone to marry me nor taking someone out of their element... Thinking back, I can't believe I offered to marry Hestia... Can you imagine her, down in the sea?" she pointed out, seriously. Amphitrite nodded, realizing she had a good point "Anyway, I thought that you were gonna disappoint me, accepting right away. But..."

"I didn't" he reminded him "I fled and Delphin came looking for me..." It was Poseidon's turn to nod.

"You didn't want anything I had, which I took as a good sign... Althought, at first also meant that I thought you didn't want anything with me... That you had accepted because you fell for Delphin and that he convinced you or something..." she explained, earning a nice chuckle from him "Reason why I saw all those mortal women... But, there was something else pulling me towards those women..."

"Something else?" Amphitrite raised an eyebrow at her excuse "You think I'll believe that?"

"Don't you feel it? Inside of you?" she insisted, placing her hands on his "Close your eyes and try to find it..." Amphitrite looked unsure, but did as asked. He closed his eyes and suddenly, the urge to walk towards a woman that was 20 miles away, swimming in a private pool was too big to pass it. Even for him, a loyal and faithful god. Opening his eyes, he looked at Poseidon, terrified.

"What- what was that??"

"A compulsion so strong that doesn't have name..." she informed, looking down "If you act like Zeus in daily basis, is not that strong, just a tingle. But, if you repress it..." She left the message unsaid, but well understood. Amphitrite nodded and, to Poseidon's surprise, hugged her.

"Thanks, Poseidon"


Question of the Day: what kind of movie you guys enjoy to watch?

Question of the Chapter: what you guys think of this twist? Do you think all the goddess turn gods know about this?

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