Chapter 10 - Pig Behavior

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It's been a week since Aphrodite began teaching Ares how to behave like a proper lady.

To Ares, however, felt like if she had spent a century with her, learning. In her own words... Yuck!

People, or more especifically, women, don't care anymore if their men open the door for her. Or pay the tab at the restaurant. Or even less if they have a job that could support her, while she cleans the house. As if!

Ares noticed that Aphrodite couldn't let go of the romantic side of the relationships. The whole 'Romeo and Juliet' romance that is not even liked in this century. Women now are strong, independent and powerful being on their own and they don't need a man to support them.

Some of them are successful businesswomen, who win more amount of money than men. Some are businesswomen and housewives, taking care of their children while the man is always away for work. And, let's not forget to raise a pedestal for those single, widow or divorced women who raise their children through adversity.

Ares wanted to be those kind of women. Not the doll Aphrodite was turning her into!

"Alright, I had enough!" she complained, huffing and pushing away the plate in front of her. Aphrodite took the chance to teach her how to eat delicately, which wasn't suiting Ares well. Actually, that was making her starve!

"We just went through the salad!" Aphrodite protested, his feminine actions contrasting with his physic "We still have the main course and-"

"No, Aphrodite" Ares couldn't recall the last time she said 'no' to Aphrodite. Probably, because there's not one. Even he looked startled at that reaction "I'm tired of learning and learning things that you know that it won't help me blend in!"

"Nonsense!" Aphrodite dismissed that thought, with a wave of his hand. Gods, couldn't he act more feminine? "Women are looked upon for younger generations. They must maintain some decorum-"

"Even you don't believe that lie!" Ares snapped, getting up from the chair Aphrodite 'forced' her in. Her long hair was flying behind her, with every movement "And, what about you? You behave like a sissy! And not like the way little girls call their older sisters!"

"I behave like a gentleman!" Aphrodite argued, frowning his brow "That's what girls like-"

"For the love of- Wake. Up!" she screamed at him, making him jump from his seat across her "Girls nowadays are more closer to the Hunters than you-"

"Don't" he stopped her, growing serious "Don't you dare say those words in my presence or you'll regret it!" Ares was not someone who could be scare off that easily. It took a lot to even frighten her. But, the aura exuding from Aphrodite at the moment was making her have second doubts about that previous statement that he could not be scare off that easily.

"All I'm trying to say is that men don't behave like that anymore... or that girls are more independent" she tried again, not showing off her frustration on the matter.

"And how, if you could please tell me, how does behave a man this days?" Ares knew Aphrodite's words were boarding, if not being, the sarcastic edge. But, she couldn't help herself in teaching Aphrodite a lesson he could never forget.

"Are you sure you want me to show you?" she checked with him "Cause once I start, there's no regrets and I won't stop until your training is complete..." she mocked him at the end a little.

"Show me" Aphrodite ordered. Ares smirked and grabbed his elbow, going off.


One of the main advantages that flashing away like gods have is the amount of time you earn into getting from one place to the other. This was something very important in Ares' plan to convince Aphrodite to behave more... manly.

"This is the place!" she announced, proudly, especially after seeing the face of disgust from Aphrodite. She had to do a lot of effort not to show the gigantic smirk than threaten to come out.

"This is the place?!" Aphrodite repeated, not hiding his disgust. He looked around to find men gathering around, eating like pigs. The men were more similar to balls than to people in shape and they were eating food enough to feed a small hunger poor village.

In another words, Ares had taken Aphrodite to an eating contest.

"Cool, uh?" Ares nodded, walking around the place, pointing at some men who were training, eating hotdogs and hamburgers. Around those guys, were other people, mostly other men encouraging them. But, once in a while, a woman was found, cheering and celebrating and encouraging along.

"This is the opposite of 'cool'!" Aphrodite argued, words not coming out of his mouth "This is outrageous! This is disgusting! This is barbaric! This is for pig!" he mentioned over and over, while passing people.

"This is what 'men' are, Aphrodite" Ares pointed out. Though, she obviously left out the part were not all men behaved like this and that this is only the worst part of them.

"But- they looked like they came straight from Ancient Greece or the Middle Ages!!" he complained, frowning every inch of his face in repulsion.

"Aphrodite" Ares stopped him, pulling off a serious face "You wanted me to teach. Me how to behave like a proper lady, right?" Aphrodite nodded, not getting her point "Well, this is me teaching you how to behave like a proper, er, man..." she struggled to say the last words, specially because of Aphrodite's terror face "And, we start this training by... getting you in the contest!"

Would be safe to say that Aphrodite did what any normal person would do if they were presented with that chance.

He rolled his eyes in and fainted in the spot.


Question of the Day: Would you guys want me to wrap up the story? Or not yet?

Question of the Chapter: You guys like this kind of contests? What's your favorite fast food meal? Would you like to see Aphrodite participating?

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