A/N: To My Readers

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Hello, boys and girls!

Wow, I cannot believe that I'm writing one of this A/N's again... I feel it was yesterday when ObeliskX came to me with an idea of doing a story about genderbent gods. I will admit that, at the beginning, was a little skeptical about the popularity or if I'd do a good job about it. It's easy to write a genderbent story when the characters DON'T KNOW they are genderbent. But, to write it about a bunch of peopl- sorry, gods, that knew about it... That was a challenge!!

I wanna thank, first of all, to ObeliskX, my faithful companion through this journey. I will embarrass myself and saying that, after a year of being in contact, I still don't know if ObeliskX is a she or a he *cue to embarrass face* Anyway, his/her ideas were fundamental for the story and, when I felt like I lost my way inside the story, or I didn't feel like continue, he/she was there, reminding me I wasn't alone. And for that... Many thanks!!

Another important thanks is to everyone and every single one that read, followed, favorite, comment and review in these chapters. You're many people to name, and I fear that, if I forget one, that one would get jealous, so I'll try to avoid it... Besides, you can joined months after this story is already completed (if you just begin to read this story and you reach this chapter by December, you are still getting thanks!!)

I can say that a new story will be post on Novemeber. Why? Because right now, I'm working on my Mother's Day Special. I have many mothers to think about it and I can't forget about anyone!! Also, I have been working on a genderbent Perseus/Andromeda (old myth thing) that I won't be posting under PJO. Once it over, I'll let you know. AND! Last, but not least, I'm already working on my birthday's present chapter for my friend Hugs6 and Heroesinmyfanfiction both birthdays being the last days of October!!

Again, I hoped you enjoyed this story and, it's my wish that you continue to read my other ones and the ones me and my fan fiction buddies write about. If you wish to tell me which story I should start on November, please go comment on my 'Comments Are Poll' story.

Love you all!! See you around!!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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