Chapter 11 - Unexpected Consequences

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Artemis, for once, forgot about his godly powers.

He was sitting down in a cold holding cell, his elbows resting on his knees, fists supporting his chin, in a thinking posture. He had been interrogated by the officers about the fight that he had with those thugs on the street. He answered with the truth, that he was there with a friend and those guys appeared and threaten them. His friend got into her house and he wanted to leave.

Though he answered with the truth, the officers placed him in a cell, making him spend the night. Fairly, the other guys were also in a close by cell, though they wouldn't be able to get out once the dawn broke in. That was consider something fair.

Instead, Artemis used that time to think about his current situation. He decided to work this by facts that he was sure. He was now a male. Fact. He was still being himself- or herself inside. Fact. He could not face the Hunters anytime soon. Fact. His vow and oath against the opposite gender is still valid. Fact?

Artemis found himself doubting and questioning his existence. His reality. He thought about how he reacted around the Hunters. They were a group of girls who couldn't stand boys and wanted to be independent on their own. But, as much as their ages not change, their minds evolve and change. When the topic or the word 'boys' is brought out, the girls simply scoff and change the topic. Simply avoiding the topic.

But Artemis' latest experience, with that girl from the coffee shop, Ginny, was different from everything he knew about it. He felt some kind of empathy with her, about what she liked and how she fetl. Maybe because, deep inside, he was still a girl.

Sighing, he stared the celling of the holding cell. His thoughts were racing around and not stopping at any topic in particular. But, he kept coming back to the previous one. Hunters. Ginny. Oath. Those were making a turmoil not only inside his mind, but also in his stomach. What to do?

He realized the answer wasn't gonna come to him like a lighting nor it was gonna be simple. He'd just have to wait until he could find someone that could help him on this mess that was his mind. When he finally had decided that, an officer appeared at the door, looking at him.

"Everything alright, kid?" he asked him, being polite to him. Artemis nodded, not trusting his voice. He didn't want to involve any mortals into his problems "Good... We talked to the girl you mentioned- actually, she wasn't hard to find because she came to us..." Artemis listened to the officer, feeling a little sick as the tale went on. What did that girl did?! "And, she insisted in seeing you, so..." he opened the cell door and Artemis watched his latest friend walked inside the cell.

"Gi- Ginny?" Artemis stuttered, staring at her "What are you doing here?!"

Feeling something strange inside my stomach and hormones driving me crazy. Fact.


Zeus and Dionysus woke up with the mother of headaches.

They were together in the same place, one laying and sleeping on the cold, cement floor, while the other one was laying on some kind of bunk fitting inside the wall, with one bad and uncomfortable mattress and pillow. Both girls had their last-night clothes on, all wrinkled and messy, as well as their hair was scattered around the floor or mattress, respectively.

"Zeus, turn out the lights..." Dionysus complained first, from the floor. She held her head on her hands, tight, as if it was seconds away from breaking and the hands were the only thing holding it together.

"I'm not doing anything!" Zeus blurted out, between a shout and a murmur, which was kind of weird to achieve "Let me sleep..." she moaned at the end, burying her face in the poor pillow "This pillow isn't soft..."

"And my bed is so stiff..." Dionysus added, still in dazed of what happened last night. Whatever it was that happened last night. Finally, Dionysus looked around her and frowned "Zeus, I think we're not in Olympus right now..." she pointed out, confused. Zeus finally loooed up from her pillow and noticed that Dionysus was right. This was nowhere Olympus.

"What are we doing in a holding cell?!" Zeus demanded, getting as answer a big headeach.

"I think we got highly drunk last night..." Dionysus informed her, putting the pieces together. It has been years since the last time she got drunk, especially this strong not to remember anything "All I can remember was that we walked into the pub..."

"We must had drank the whole dam pub if we can't remember what we did" Zeus noticed, grabbing two bars from the cell "I think is time we lets us out if here-"

"Or..." Dionysus interhected, before something stupid happened "We can ask them to release us, because if we flash away, we are gonna become wanted people and, even though I have no problem changing my appearance, I have no desire to look over my shoulder" How Dionysus sounded mature, responsible and serious while getting over a hangover is one of those secrets that come with being the Goddess of the Wine.

"I guess it makes sense..." Zeus agreed, reluctantly "But, we can still go to a party tonight, right?"

"Right, I forgot that you were released of your marriage chain the second you turn into a woman" Dionysus rolled her eyes, knowing fully that this wasn't the case.

"I don't know about you, but I plan to make this time worthy!" Dionysus shook her head at this.

It definitely was going to be a long week...


Question of the Day: A little favor... Could you guys check out Mjavery9? Fellow writer, seems missing...

Question of the Chapter: What would you like Artemis reaction to be? You guys want Zeus and Dionysus fully wasted?

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