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Let's begin by saying that Hera hated to be a woman.

Not because she hated the gender itself. Actually, being a woman gave her several benefits, like being able to have kids of her own, and not created them out of clay and give them life. She could follow several conversations at the time, an ability that she always embraced. Or the ability to think revenges worthy of a criminal mastermind.

What she hated about being a woman is that the men didn't seem to appreciate them.

She would always take Zeus as the main example of her disgrace. The man seduced her, manipulated her and, at the end, cheated on her. With no shame on doing so. He'd just go back out there and do it again, over and over. He'd always see her as if she was useless and powerless against him and, for the title of 'king', that he had more privileges than her. Like, the final decision in the voting of the Council Meetings.

That made her form a bad idea of men.

One specimen can ruin the species. How ironic.

For once, she'd like to take the control over the Council and show them that she could do things better than Zeus. That the decisions wouldn't be rash and it could have another solution than war or destruction or even the annihilation of a city/monster. Hera believed in the power of a good compromise (not for nothing she was the goddess of marriage) and she was known for keeping her promises.

But, she couldn't deny that not being in control of the situation gave her a lot of free time. Free time she would invert scheming and planning her ideas, both the revenges against her unfaithful husband and the better ways to rule the Council. She still couldn't find the right moment or way to propose this change.

When the change occured, Hera saw her possibility.

She was alone, as always, when she started to feel an itch in her chin. Without even looking, she began scratching and felt more than the usual soft and clean skin. She felt hair on it. She began taking the hairs out, but she discovered it was kind of painful, so she stopped. Looking down at her arm, Hera noticed it was hairier and more built, as if she had worked out. Beginning to freak out, she touched her stomach and chest to discovered that it was flat and built. She looked down and saw herself more tall and more hairier on her legs. Reaching the point of concern, she got closer to a mirror and took a look at her face. Her factions were edgier and more cut. She had beard and her delicate features were hidden underneath it.

Instead of screaming, like a normal reaction would be, Hera smirked.

This was the chance he has been waiting for.


Hera waiting until Zeus and Poseidon finished their little quarrel. Useless, but they happened anyway.

When Poseidon walked out of the room, she shot Hera a wink, surprising him. It was the first time in eons that someone would shot him a wink. Was Poseidon flirting with him? Or, she had managed to do something similar to a favor to him? Regardless the reason, Hera couldn't help but to blush slightly because of the surprise. Recovering quickly, he walked into the room.

"I don't have time for you, Poseidon!!" Zeus complained. Hera smirked to himself, thinking Zeus fitted more into the image of a woman because of the drama and complains.

"I'm not Poseidon" Hera introduced himself, testing for the first time his deep voice. Zeus turned around and Hera could noticed a little bit of lust in her eyes. Hera wanted to roll his eyes. Now, she's attracted to me?!

"Hera... What do you want?" Zeus' bad mood returned as quick as the lust in her eyes was gone, turning her cold and distant as ever.

"I was considering a solution for the time this, um... change is lasting" Hera tried to use the right word so he wouldn't anger Zeus. For him, this was the purpose of Hecate's plan, though it went out of proportions. But, it was a wish came true and he wasn't going to waste the chance.


"The reign" Hera was quick into showing his intentions "I know you know-"

"You want to replace me while I look like this?!" Zeus boomed and her voice echoed around the room. Hera winced a little, because her voice was loud and pitched. Gods, the woman was loud... "You think I won't be able to maintain my power?! You wanna leave me powerless?!"

"Always a drama queen" Hera rolled his eyes. Zeus groaned and shook her head.

"Why you people are using the same expression with me?! I'm not a drama queen!!!" Zeus began to complain out loud. Hera let her rambled all she wanted because he knew she wouldn't stop until she was satisfied.

"Are you done, woman!?" Hera stopped her, getting angry. Zeus glared at him "Do you agree with me, yes or no?"

"Of course not!!" she repeated, as if she was a broken record "Although..." That last word was everything Hera needed to keep up hope "I can't believe I'm saying this but.... rmhmbrms" Zeus mumbled really low the rest of her words. So low, that not even Hear with him inhuman hearing could hear it.

"I'm sorry, what?" he questioned her, frowning and getting closer to her.

"You were rmbrhms..." Hera got even closer and frowned even more.


"You were right!!" Zeus exploded in his face. Hera jumped back, but couldn't stop the smirk off his face "Gods, you make it so hard..."

"You're the only one that makes it harder, Zeus..." Hera continued, trying not to smirk.

"There's only one way I'm doing this is if you do exactly what I tell you..."

"This is only temporal, Zeus..." As if...

"You better behave, Hera..."

You better buckle up, Zeus... Because you're in for a ride...


Question of the Day: How's your Christmas so far?!

Question of the Chapter: Do you think Hera will reach his goal?

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