Chapter 15 - Worst Than Reality

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After the experience that Ares forced him to presence, Aphrodite started to reconsider what he knew about men.

Being always female, his only concern at the time was to reject over persistent suitors. He knew back then that things could get worst, but she had godly powers over his side, which could had allowed him to curse them or confused them. Now, as a male, he saw the other side of the coin and was kind of spooky.

It was heavily known that male talked about their conquers without any kind of remorse or prude. He also knew that the comments could turns disgusting, depending on the circle of friends. But, this... this was something that he could never expected.

Men eating like pigs gave her a slight flashback when Circe used to hacked into Hephaestus TV signal and broadcast lively what could happen to all the men that ate from her table. When he saw the fate of Odysseus' men, he thought at the moment that it was a little overreacting, but now...

"Don't burn those brain cells, dear..." he heard the teasing voice of Ares behind him "You might need them later..."

"How...?" he asked, confusing Ares for a few seconds "How men can hide that kind of... nature?" he pushed, trying to get a reply from her. Ares shrugged.

"Except for the men who openly admit liking their same sex... sissies" she added at the end, to herself "-which is the way you're behaving, by the way, men have only one goal in mind"

"Sex" Aphrodite bluntly replied. He should had known, he was the god of sex!

"You named it, dear" Ares continued with her mocking endearments. Why it was funny, no one was sure "Men are looking for one-time thing only, while women always search for something more... permanent..." she finished, as if she was still having trouble accepting that idea.

"I do not think like that!" Aphrodite was scandalized that he could have thoughts like that "If I had thoughts like that all the time, I'd be loyal to Hephaestus and not sneaking around with you!"

"We don't sneak around anymore, dear" Ares pointed out "Hephaestus just resigned at wooing you, because she knows you'll never be with someone so... ugly"

"She is!"

"And, how do you think that makes her feel?" Both, Aphrodite and Ares were shocked when the questions was brought up. Ares, because she never imagined herself as a feminist, and Aphrodite for never thinking something about it "Think about all the women that are rejected for, well... you. How do they feel? How they should feel?"

"Grateful that they didn't end up with a pig like that" he responded, quickly. Ares shook her head.

"You're still thinking as a woman. You need to think as a man" she stated, serious. Snapping her fingers, soon both of them were inside a club that was filled with women. Aphrodite noticed that all the women were slightly chubby, were wearing outfits that didn't favor them, as well as make up and all, without exception, were highly drunk "There!"

"Ares, what are we suppose to be doing here??" Aphrodite shouted to be heard in the noise.

"See how those girls are looking at you?" Ares gestured towards the girls who were staring at them. The looks on them were similar to predators before jumping on their prey. And, for once on his long life, Aphrodite didn't like that the look was directed to him.

"I see and I don't like it!!" he confessed, screaming while looking at the girls. One of them noticed that he was looking back and began waving her hand, in what she considered flirty. The problem was that she was so intoxicated that was kind of pathetic and sad "They know that they're drunk, right?!"

"People who come to this kind of clubs don't care, Dite!!" Ares answered, smirking "Every single guy you rejected and every single who got rejected because of you are here!!" Aphrodite opened his eyes widen big. That was the state of the women that got rejected because of her? That's how the guys who got rejected by him reacted?"

"I don't understand!! Why are they here? Why they behave that way??" Aphrodite voiced out what he was thinking. Inside his mind, this actually didn't make any sense.

"They are here because they don't care who they walk out with, as long as they get picked..." Ares smirked again, before catching the eye of a passing by guy "See you later, dear!" she waved away, leaving Aphrodite by himself. The second that Ares left, the girls began swarming Aphrodite, showing no respect or decorum about themselves.

"Hey, handsome..." One of them slurred at him, placing a hand over his chest.

"Wanna come and hang with us?" Another one, on his other side, suggested, in the same state as her friend.

"Um, I think I rather pass, ladies..." Aphrodite tried to get away from the girls. The second he could escape, he would flash away to Olympus "It would not be fair for me alone to enjoy your company..." he used the 'gentleman' approach. One of the girls bit her lower lip and that caught the eye of a bunch more.

"Oh, we have no inconvenient in sharing you..." she whispered, though because of the music and the enviroment, she shouted at his ear.

"Yeah!!" A bunch of the girls who heard what the previous one shouted, agreed with her, not even being subtle about it. Aphrodite was desperate and tried his last trick.

"Ladies, would it matter to you if I told you that I bat for the other team?" If the girls weren't that desperate, they would had perceived the desperation in Aphrodite's words. But it wasn't the case.

"Even better!!" On of the bunch exclaimed, surprising him "Means you'll be able to walk away without calling us and we won't feel dirty about it!!" At lot of the girls squeaked and jumped at him, not letting him go. Aphrodite's skin color passed from red to pale, to completely white.

Little did he know that it wasn't real...


Question of the Day: ever been clubbing? Favorite club and favorite club song?

Question of the Chapter: what do you think Aphrodite will do when he discovered it was a fake situation?

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