Chapter 18 - Second Opinions

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When Artemis realized that Poppy wasn't gonna calm down for a simple event that happens every month on a girl's life, he decided that it was time to gather some extra help. Whistling, he called his sled so that could transport them to the last location of the Hunters. The deers were surprised by the view of a man treating them with care and respect, but they trusted their noses more than their eyes, so they knew who he was.

If only the Hunters could react that way...

"I want you to listen very carefully this time, Poppy" Artemis began, before Poppy started to threw haikus about PMS or how depressed she was "The Hunters will welcome you with open arms, while I have to earn their trust because of... well, because of how I look. All I ask is-"

"-not to abuse their trust, tell them the truth right away and treat them with respect, I know. I know" she emphasized, moving her head to each side, annoyingly "You've been drumming my head with that the past twenty minutes..."

"Well, I'm sorry for worrying about the girls who swore to follow me!" he fought, a little sarcastically. Poppy followed the line of sarcasm, rolling her eyes. The sled took them directly and without problems to the heart of the camping, alerting all the Hunters. Bow were loaded seconds later after they landed and arrows were pointed at them, menacingly.

"Who are you?!" Thalia Grace's voice was loud and clear "Step away from the sled, away from the girl and move slowly!!" Artemis knew that Poppy could take advantage of this and grabbed her arm before she could take another step "Didn't you hear what I said?!"

"I heard you the first time, Thalia" Artemis spoke, surprising every Hunter that a male knew their Lieutenant's name "However, I believe that if I don't hold on to Apollo, you all will regret it later"

"Hey! I told you that my name in this shape is Poppy" Apollo, or Poppy, argued indignantly. While the other Hunters were on guard, Thalia lowered her own bow and took decisive steps towards the pair "What's up, Thals? Looking good in that parka..." she winked at her, unsettling the Hunter.

"Would you shut up?" Artemis demanded of her younger sister, before facing Thalia "Long story short, Hecate made a wrong spell and now the gods are gender-bent" Thalia raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms on her chest.

"Why should I trust you and believe you are, indeed, Artemis?" she questioned, logically.

"Hey, when did Artemis lied to you?" Poppy jumped on his defense. Artemis blamed the hormones of her new body, though he suspected that she would had done it even in their other shape.

"I've never been lied by M'lady Artemis!" Thalia admitted, thoughtfully "And, I don't think she- well, he would start now..." she sighed, looking around "The Hunters won't see this the way I do..."

"I expected that possibility..." Artemis confessed, serious "Just, receive Poppy here until her cycle is complete... We hope that by then the problem is with solution..." he suggested "I'll bet in the outskirts of the camp" Thalia nodded and replaced Artemis' hand on Poppy.

"If I find out things I shouldn't, my arrow will go up your butt, girl or no girl" she threaten, before marching back and telling the Hunters to stand down.

"Now, I can see why she's you lieutenant" Poppy whispered.

Artemis couldn't be prouder.


Artemis couldn't take out his head Poppy's advice about Ginny.

To him, it sounded like a risky move and something that couldn't be pull off, especially for someone like him. Sighing, he looked back at the Hunters, who had welcomed Poppy with open arms like he had predicted, though Thalia was somehow wary about her.

"I bet it must be quite lonely by yourself..." Thalia spoke to him, trying not to raise her voice much. Artemis shrugged and went back to watch the moon, his domain.

"I have a problem, Thalia... I can't talk this with the rest, but maybe you can give me your opinion..." he asked her, not even looking at her. Who knows how she'll react.

"Not an expert in many subjects, especially boys... But, I'll do what I can" she promised, sitting down by him.

"Have you ever had thought about bending the laws and orders?" A snort and a chuckle followed that question and too late, Artemis realized who he was asking "OK, OK... I guess that was a mistake of mine..." he chuckled along.

"Has this have something to do with the gender change?" she wondered. Artemis just nodded "Do you want my sincere opinion, no matter what you do afterwards?"

"I've been looking for that answer since I got myself in this dilemma!" he recognized, trying to light up the mood a little.

"I think you should do what your heart wants... Besides, you're not Artemis" Artemis turned his head to protest about that he was Artemis, just in another package, when he saw Thalia winking at him. That was her answer: he wanted to do things that the normal Artemis wouldn't do because it was morally wrong to her. But to him, it was a complete different story! "I don't see a break of oath, actually..."

"Uh? What you mean with that?"

"C'mon!" Thalia rolled her eyes "'I pledge myself off the company of men'?" she recited the oath and Artemis' head made a click. Thalia was right, in some way.

Now, he had to find a way to accept that himself.


Question of the Day: Katie/Travis or Reyna/Travis?? I'm having a friendly debate with a friend...

Question of the Chapter: would you like Artemis and Ginny be together? Or Ginny become immediately a Hunter?

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