Female!Zeus & Female!Poseidon

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Being hysteric as Zeus was, could only be compared with his temper.

Zeus had (and this was something of common knowledge) short temper and a very dramatic personality.

Those changes were highlighted when Zeus had the change.

Zeus was quarreling with Poseidon orat the moment of the change. The usual stuff, like who was more powerful, who could create the most devastation (read between the lines, gods are nothing but selfish entities. Mortals are only means to serve a purpose), who was more adored by their mother (meaningless quarrels like this didn't involve Hades because they didn't want to see that Hades could be the most loved because he was the first born) and, the most important of all of them, who was the best lover.

"At least Amphitrite doesn't make me a jealous scene everytime I return from seeing a mortal!" That argument had set Zeus in a state of disbelief. How that Hera, his wife and Queen of Olympus, would create a circus everytime he did that and Amphitrite, Queen of the Seas (a much lower honor, if you ask him) the only thing she did was not speak to her husband?!

Because he had to chose the Goddess of Marriage, that's why.

"Because your woman is as libertine as yourself!" Zeus found himself blurting. Poseidon returned him a glare.

"Just because you want everything for yourself, like a spoiled kid, doesn't mean that the rest of us will have to content with the same!!" At this point, Poseidon didn't know what he was saying. Words got out of the brothers' mouth without thinking in the repercussions.

"A woman should not be-"

"Should not be what?!" Poseidon cut Zeus, knowing full well what he was about to say "They should be perfectly sit at home, watching the man doing whatever he wants with his life when they can't?! No, brother..." Poseidon shook his head "Just because you decided to marry someone who understands the value of a vow and the integrity of a relationship, doesn't give you the reason to put all the women in the same bag!!"

"So, you admit you'd hate it if Amphitrite does that to you!!" Zeus cornered Poseidon. Poseidon rolled his eyes.

"Like someone likes when they're being cheated..."

"Ah! So, you admit it!!"

"Because it'd be perfectly fine to do so with our ways!!" Poseidon was getting short of arguments and tried one last time "I bet that if Hera was the man-eater, like Aphrodite, and you the loyal husband, you'd be creating more scandal than her!!"

"Hera is a woman... She's just stopping her impulses..."

"So, you're saying she could be out there, seducing males and you wouldn't do a thing?" Poseidon smirked before laughing out loud. Even he didn't believe that possibility "I found it very hard to believe..." he spoke out loud.

"I'll show you!!" Zeus boomed. Poseidon kept laughing at him, his eyes closed because of the effort, not noticing the changes in Zeus body.

He became shorter of hight, his muscles contracting enough so they could fit the new size. The waist became even more tiny and the edges of the body turned more rounded. The chest started to pop out slightly and the face hair (beard, eyebrows, hair) reduced considerably (except for the hair, which became longer) and became more softer, just like the skin. The eyes, that still maintain the same anger towards Poseidon, were smaller and delicated, in a way that even the most dangerous look wouldn't look so dangerous.

With Poseidon happened something similar. Because he was more focused in laughing, he didn't feel the uncomfortable changes. The calloused hands were replaced for more delicate ones, eliminating eons of roughness. The hair got smoother and his beard disappeared, along with his deep male voice and was replaced with a feminine chuckle. The body only got shorter by a couple of inches, still making it taller than Zeus, but making the beach clothes still fit.

By the time they realized what happened, Zeus had called a Council Meeting and Poseidon was still laughing.


After giving Hecate her opinion about this mess he created, Zeus began pacing around the Council Room, trying to find a solution for this mess.

Another thing that she despised about this situation would be the repercussions from Hera. Zeus shuddered only with the thought of it. That man will never let her hear the end of it.

Poseidon, on the contrary, didn't see the problem of Hecate's mistake. Instead, she saw the opportunity to seek out new horizons.

"How can you be so calm?!" Zeus scolded her, still pacing from one place to another.

"Because, and I know my mood changes with ease, I'm not a drama queen" Poseidon had to contain her laugh. She's been waiting for an hour to say that lame joke, but it somehow fitted her, after all this time.

"How long did you waiting to say that?" Zeus replied, deadpan.

"A good long hour" Poseidon admitted, smirking "C'mon, Zeus! You need to see the world differently and this is your chance!"

"What do you mean 'see the world differently'?" Zeus didn't like where her sister was heading to with those words "I don't wanna see the world differently!! I saw the world just fine the way it was before!!" Zeus ranted, lightning crackling around her. Poseidon took a step back in precaution "I bet you were distracting me before, so I wouldn't notice!!" Zeus was outraged and was ready to toast Poseidon.

"Zeus, wait!!" Poseidon raised her hands in defeat, a little shocked by a small lightning "See the world as a woman. Think about it..." Poseidon used his cheeky side for a second to lure her in "If you understand what's inside a woman's head, you could understand them more and, as a consequence, you could have them all..." Poseidon repeated at the end, as if she was a shadow in the mind.

Zeus thought it smirked to herself. Time to put the plan in tactics.


Question of the Day: does everyone finished your finals/midterms? How did you do?

Question of the Chapter: who would be more drama queen in future chapters? Zeus? Or Poseidon?

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