Chapter 23 - Battle Of The Sexs, Part 2

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Athena launched at Ares, trying to block away her taunting words against him.

Apparently, Ares thought that she could win this fight with witty words.

The new tactic surprised Athena a little, as he didn't expect that Ares would use her brain for the first time. After all, there is a first time for everything, but Athena was in denial. Just a little. Instead, he decided to attack her, hoping that Ares would reveal her weak spot or lose her concentration. So far, that wasn't showing the wanted results.

"Aww, Athena... Are you holding back on me?" Ares mocked him, smirking, stopping one of his lashes at her. Athena frowned, but kept concentrated on his task, that was showing that Ares would never defeat him.

"Holding back? On you?" Athena continued the mockery, seeing the confused face on Ares "Ares, we both know that you would never hold back... So, why would I?" The reply was logical, as Ares never thought of holding back, but she was simply defending. Athena needed to think of a way to make her attack him, instead of keeping in defense. Smirking, he thought of a plan that could help him in that...

Launching at her again, he aimed more closely to the chest, where it would be more closed to defend the body. Ares, how was experimenting troubles, had to take a few steps back before fighting back and forward, forcing Athena to defend himself, who smirked.

"Ohh! You thought you could corner me?" Ares wondered, looking confused "Haven't you seen this guns?" she showed off her muscles through her shirt, the second their weapons were apart from the fight. Frowning, Ares made her sleeves disappear, showing off her bare arms and muscles. Satisfied, Ares did something that Athena would have never expected her to.

She made his pants transform into a skirt.

"What-?" The question died in Athena's throat, much because of the shock of the way this path was taking this fight. But, in a very deep corner of his mind, in a very deep corner that he would never admit, he was enjoying the show.

"You see the muscles on my legs? Those are the muscles of a man!" Ares kept going, showing off her muscles, both on her arms and legs. Athena had to shake his head to get himself out of the shock and focus on the battle again "No, what??" Apparently, Ares gad taken Athena's reaction as a reply to her comments "Oh, right...cause you're not a real man..." Ares began her taunting again "You know, many would consider you a coward, attacking a girl..."

"Shut up, hypocrite!!" Athena shouted, annoyed with that stupid taunting "You hadn't had that problem when we were the other way around!" Ares finally frowned "You're such a hotheaded for being a woman..."

"How did you called me?!" Ares accused him, all serious and forgetting about exposing her new female muscles around. Athena thought and smirked at her.

"What, hotheaded?" he repeated and saw the reaction on Ares almost immediately "Oh, so you don't like to be reminded that you're a reckless and hotheaded woman?" he emphasized, smirking. Ares was like panting in anger, Athena knew she was going to explode any time soon. He had to give the final blow "Well, it doesn't surprise me that you've forgotten that you're a hothead-"

"That's it!!" Ares launched at him, with all her mighty. Athena was ready for her, but not ready enough for the amount of force of the impact. Ares clashed against him and smashed him against a column. Of course, both weren't immortals, there wasn't major damage to themselves. Athena struggled himself against Ares, who still had him against the column.

Then, she did something that Athena wasn't expecting. She winked at him.

Ares winked at Athena. And not in that conspiratorial or friendly way you could see when someone is pulling someone else a trick. This was more... flirty. Taken aback, all Athena could do was to blink openly at her. That was when Ares stroke her final blow and placed him down, pinning him. After a few seconds of understanding what was happening, Athena started to fight never surrunder. And he intended on letting her know.

"Before you ask me, no!" he replied, serious and decided "I will never surrender to you, no matter how cornered you have me!" he fought back and, for a moment, he seemed to have the edge, as he managed to flip them around, leaving him on top of her with a winning smirk "Told you I'd never surrender!" Suddenly, and continuing the list of things-that-Athena-never-thought-Ares-would-do-in-a-battle, Ares smirked back and, well...

She kneed him on his privates.

"Ha! I'm still winning!!" she celebrated, watching the painful expression of her opponent, who lost his balance and fell from on top of her. Not wanting to lose her edge, Ares straddled him once more and pinned him down "Let's face it, Athena. I won this round"

"The only way I'm admitting defeat to you, trickster and cheater, would be on my- mph!"

As you can imagine, Athena was interrupted from his speech on how he would never be defeated by Ares with the most simple an effective shutting up method created by mortals. Is kind of effective if someone is rambling and you want to say something important, especially if the other person is someone you like and stuff.

Ofh, yes. Athena was shut up with a kiss.

And, you wanna know the funny part of all this?

Neither of them let go at the end.


Question of the Day: nothing, except to apologize for the lateness, as l didn't hear the alarm.

Question of the Chapter: bet you didn't see that one coming, did you? How would you like them to react?

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