Chapter 2

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Natalie's P.O.V

I was literally freaking out inside while I tried to play it cool on the outside. I mean, this boy gets tons of girls fan girling over him 24/7. I wouldn't want to scare him away with how much of a fangirl I am.

Just act like its nothing, I told myself.

"I, er, I am really sorry for bumping into you." I gave him my most sorry grin and went through my wallet. "Here's 15 pounds for dry cleaning." I thrusted out the money to him and waited for him to take it. He in turn, started chuckling. I gave him a confused glance and started to act like I was getting impatient.

"You just spilt coffee on me and your the one getting impatient?" He chuckled. "Quite the charmer I see."

"Look, do you want the money or not? I'm supposed to be meeting someone right now so." I put the money in his hand and walked towards the exit. Whew, well that didnt turn out how I expected.

"Hey, at least let me buy you another coffee." Zayn pulled me back to him. I crossed my arms, but on the inside I was screaming. Zayn Malik wanted to buy me a coffee? This could not be happening!

Zayn went to the counter and turned to me.

"Vanilla Frappé." I tried not to smile.

"Yeah, and a mocha latte." He ordered and told them his name. I walked to the table I was just at and sat down, a smiling Zayn following.

He stared at me and I started to feel insecure, but I didn't know what for (hehe).

"Can I help you?" I smirked at him while he just looked fascinated.

"Well, I'm Zayn. Thanks for asking." he offered his hand. I bit my lip and thought if I should just say I'm sorry for how I'm acting. Nah, I like this too much.

"Natalie." I stated flatly shaking his hand and screaming even more inside.

"So that's it? No screaming or nothing?" He raised a brow and stared at me like I was defective.

"What, you think just because you're in a big boy band everyone just loves you?" Of course he does.

"Well... I erm..." He scratched his head.

"Zayn? Zayn?" The worker called Zayn's order. He quickly stood up to avoid the awkward situation while I checked my phone it was 11:17. I sighed and texted Jenna telling her I caught up with someone at Starbucks and would be there in 10.

Zayn returned handing me my coffee and started playing with his hands. He looked nervous and I almost cracked. He was so sweet and I was being so mean to him. I took a sip of my sweet coffee and took a deep breath.

"Look, it was really nice of you to buy me another coffee and all but I really have to go." I stood up and turned my back on London's hottest bachelor. I walked to the door and realized how messed up I really was. I mean I dreamed of meeting a band member of One Direction and when I finally got the chance I messed it up. I had to tell Jenna. I reached in my pocket but found nothing. I searched my other pocket, nothing.

You have got to be kidding me, I groaned as I walked back to the shop.

"Forget something?" Zayn was causally leaning against the door with his latte in one hand and my phone in the other. I smiled awkwardly.

"Thanks." I took my phone and turned around to hide my red cheeks. I started towards the shops around the corner where I was supposed to meet Jen at 20 minutes ago. I really was messed up.


HI! WOO CHAPTER 2 IS UP!! lol, so u guys can comment/vote ya know. Sorry I'm so excited but the eighth grade dance is coming up and guess who my date is? Yep yep that's right it's AJ! Lol I get to go to the dance with my bestie and u guys can't have her! Lol, okay I'll share. Maybe. So yea that's just me being weird but hope u like the story! BAII!!!


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