Chapter 28

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Natalie's POV

I woke up around five am to find that I was in my bedroom, alone. I stretched and decided on spending the day with my family. I walked to the kitchen and started getting out all the supplies for the breakfast feast I was going to prepare. After all, my parents did deserve it after what they walked in on yesterday.


I placed the plates of food on the table and stepped back to look at my work. Eggs, bacon, sausage lined the first half of the table while the other held plates of Danish, muffins, and scones. I heard a yawn come from my parents room and I smiled.

"My, what's this?" My mother came out and following her was my dad.

"Just something to show you how much I love and appreciate you for coming out here to visit." I pulled out their chairs and poured them their tea.

"Aw, pumpkin. You know what would be delightful?"

"What mum?" I picked up the dirty pans to wash.

"If you would invite Harry over. I would love to meet him." She said and I could feel the pan slip from my hands.

"Yeah, and Niall, maybe his charm could rub off on Harry." My dad muttered and I gulped. Niall, Harry and I in the same room.

With my parents.

"Uh, um, I c-could ask?" I stuttered wiping sweat from my forehead. I pulled out my phone and dialed Niall.

"Nat?" He spoke and I had to try and calm myself.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come over? ....No, you can't? Oh well, that's too bad." I spoke, not even letting Niall answer.

"Nat? What are you talking about?" Niall spoke through the phone and I pressed the end button.

"He said he's busy." I shrugged and my mom looked at me confused.

"Maybe if I tried?" My dad went to grab my phone but I yanked it away.

"NO!" I yelled and they just looked at me. I glanced down at my phone and ended the call because I knew what was coming.

"Natalie. What's going on?"

"They both like me, okay? They are in a band together with three other guys and they all like me." I whispered looking down.

"Well did you tell them you're dating Harry?"

"That's the thing. I not sure I am dating Harry, mum. I like all of them but I'm not sure which one I love and it's just so hard." I cried.

"We understand, pumpkin. But you should at least tell them how you feel."

"Ok, thanks, mum."

"But honey, can Harry still come over? I would love to meet him?" My mum pouted and I laughed.

"Sure. Why not?"

* * *

I had already called Harry and Niall, both of them saying that they'd be glad to come much to my dismay. My parents were excited, more excited than me. My mum was running around the kitchen, helping to prepare the dinner and set the table. My dad was planning on watching a football game with them. They would probably spend the night cheering and yelling at the telly while my mum and I sat there, bored and not paying attention.

"Honey, I think the muffins are done," my mum said, pointing towards the oven. My eyes widened and I yanked on an oven mitt before taking the pan out.

The muffins were a dark charcoal color. I had been so busy thinking about how this night would go that I had let them burn. If this was a sign, then I should probably cancel the dinner.

My mum rubbed circles on my back, trying to get me to calm down. "I think you're just stressed, Natalie. Maybe you should relax and not worry about trying to impress the boys."

"But, Mum-" I was cut off by the door bell ringing.

"I'm guessing that's them." She pushed me gently towards the front door.

I rubbed my hands nervously on my apron and opened the door, revealing Harry and Niall. I raised an eyebrow when I saw that they both had a bouquet of flowers. Harry's were roses and Niall had tulips, my favorites.

"Hi," I greeted them, giving them each a hug and letting them in. "Make yourselves at home. My dad's watching the Manchester game in the living room if you want to join..."

"Of course, how can I turn down a football match like that?" Niall joked. He made his way off to the living room and I could hear him talking to my dad. They got along well.

"Why'd you invite him?" Harry asked all of a sudden, suprising me.

"Do you have a problem with it?" I pressed.

"Yes, because I thought we were something-"

I interrupted him. "Harry, we're not even dating. You don't have control over who I can hang out with."

He ran a hand through his hair. "Okay, but if he does anything I don't like..."

"Don't." I warned. "You need to make a good impression on my parents, especially after what happened last night."

I knew I had won the argument when he sighed and said, "You're right. Let's just enjoy ourselves, yeah?"

* * *

"So, how's the tour going?" My mum asked Harry and Niall, trying to make everything less awkward.

"Great, actually," Niall piped up from beside. "The fans are spectacular and we're glad for the success we've had."

Harry just glared at him from across the table, stabbing his cherry tomato as if it were Niall's head. I didn't understand why he was so jealous. It wasn't like Niall was trying to make a move on me.

"Natalie came one of our shows once." I groaned internally when he said this because now my mum was going to ask more questions.

"Oh, really? Why didn't you mention this?" My mum asked.

"Because..." I trailed off looking for an excuse. "I was busy."

Thank God for my dad because he somehow managed to change the subject by mentioning the game, which Manchester won. Throughout the conversation, I felt Niall's eyes on me and when I looked up, he winked at me. Harry tensed.

I could sense a confrontation coming on.

"Anyone want dessert?" I offered, standing up from my seat.

"I'll help you," Niall said, following me. I knew that Harry would be absolutely pissed by now, but thankfully my parents were here. They were probably the only thing keeping Niall from being pummeled.

"What did you make?" Niall asked.

I shrugged, turning my back to him to grab some plates and utensils. "Nothing special. I had an incident with some muffins I made earlier, so I had to bake a cake. I hope it turns out good."

I jumped when I felt Niall's hands on my waist, spinning me around to face him. He brought his face close to mine. "Anything you do is perfect," he breathed.

I was aware of how close we were but I couldn't move. His eyes were hypnotizing me from how close he was.

"Niall..." I said, closing my eyes just as he was about to kiss me.

But his lips never touched mine.

I opened my eyes to see Harry holding onto the poor lad by the back of his shirt.

"Just what do you think you're doing, Horan?"



Sorry for the long wait, guys! We've been busy with high school. It's a lot of work and just bleh.

But guys, don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. We love to know we have your support and that you love our story. So please vote and comment.

Next update will be soon. ♥

- Amani x

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