Chapter 7

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Natalie's POV

I still can't believe Liam gave me tickets to his concert. It's has been my dream since day one to be able to see them perform live. It will probably be the best moment of my life, easily topping when I got my driver's licence.

"Talie, you ready?" Jen asked, coming out of her room with her keys in her hand. I looked at her and facepalmed at what she was wearing. Just because she was a Directioner and we were going to a 1D concert didn't mean that she had to have their faces on her t-shirt. I was going to have to walk as far away from her as possible without her being suspicious. I'm a great best friend, aren't I?

"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go!" I shouted. I grabbed her arm and literally dragged her out of her flat and to where her car was waiting.

The whole drive there was spent making sure we knew the words to every one of the boys' songs. We couldn't afford to look stupid if we were going to be in the very front row. My whole social life was at stake here. If I made one wrong move, all of the Directioners would log on to Twitter and see a Tweet about a girl who nearly died because One Direction accused her of being a horrible fan.

Since we had backstage passes, we had to park in the back of the arena. It was far away from where the rest of the people were and we could hear their screams from so far away. Jen parked and climbed out of her car with me at her heels.

A security guard approached us with another guy behind him. The guy had those geeky glasses that was in style, and dark brown hair that fell over his forehead. If I wasn't taken by One Direction, I would totally date him.

"My name is Zach and I'm your personal escort, which means that you have to do what I say and when I say it." He said harshly. "And don't touch anything or there will be consequences." He turned around and Jen and I ran after him to catch up with his fast pace.

"I wonder what crawled up his arse this morning." Jen said to me, soft enough that Zach wouldn't hear.

"Yeah, and to think I thought he was cute." I scrunched up my nose, "He needs a major attitude adjustment."

"He works for One Direction. What could he possibly hate about his job?"


* * *

After enduring a long speech from Zach about following directions, he finally dropped us off in the room where the rest of the fans with backstage passes were waiting. They all seemed so excited, talking so fast it gave me a headache.

A man wearing mostly black clothes and a headset came into the room. He clapped to get everyone's attention before he started talking. "Girls, 1D will be coming out of their dressing rooms in less than five minutes... I suggest you start preparing your questions now." Then, he left as quickly as he came.

While the other girls were busy getting pens and fainting, I turned to Jen and smiled widely. "I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE ABOUT TO MEET ONE DIRECTION IN FIVE MINUTES!!" I fangirled.

"But you already met Liam..." And Zayn, too, I added mentally.

"Who cares? They're all sexy and now I get to experience it all at once!" I shouted. "I'm probably going to die from the feels."

She rolled her eyes. "Calm down, Natalie. I'm supposed to be the one freaking out, not you! That's how our twisted friendship works."

"Shut up." I punched her arm and she pouted. Yeah, growing up in a house with three brothers makes you a pretty hard hitter. At my mom's house, it was fight or get no food. Fight one every time.

Suddenly, the screams got louder and I looked up, my eyes widening. One freakin' Direction was standing less than ten metres away from me. And not only that, but all of their eyes were on me.



A/N: Before you accuse us of being inaccurate when the girls go to the concert, we've never been to one before! So excuse our mistakes.

Um, vote & comment and tell us how we can improve our story.

-Amani, x

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