Chapter 16

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Louis' POV

"Natalie!" I called after the girl of my dreams. I could see her small body ducking between bodies to get away from me. She ran across the tarmac without looking, a car barely stopping from hitting her.

It hurt that she was so desperate to get away from me that she'd rather almost get hit by a car.

"God, this girl is crazy," I muttered to myself and ran after her.

We continued running, like a game of tag, until Natalie happened to trip over her heels. Immediately I rushed to her side, gathering her body in my arms. Tears fell from her face and it kind of made me uncomfortable. I know I'm the one known for being really funny but I'm actually pretty rubbish at cheering people up.

"Are you okay?" I asked, meaning what happened now and on our date.

"Yeah, that's why I was running from you." She said sarcastically. "I don't understand why you went through all that trouble to insult me, and you certainly didn't have to do it in public!"

I sighed. "Look, Natalie, I know you probably won't believe me but it was an accident. And Louis Tomlinson never has accidents." She rolled her eyes. "It was actually Harry who recorded that song because he was trying to make you not like me, which obviously didn't work because you're still here!"

"Louis, aren't you supposed to be on vocal rest?" Natalie questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, shit," I said, clamping a hand over my mouth. "Ih puhmiz Ih wut eek agin."

"Lou," she said, making me look at her, "shut up."

I nodded and saluted her like she was my captain.

Liam's POV

My date with Natalie was in fifteen minutes and I was nowhere near ready. I had taken a nap earlier, not expecting to sleep as long as I did. I ran around the house to find my phone so I could text Natalie, but I couldn't find it.

It wasn't in my pocket, or the kitchen, or charging in my room. Where could it be?

"Niall!" I yelled. I figured he'd be the easiest to squeeze the information out of.

"What?!" He screeched, walking into the room. He ran a hand through his messed up blonde hair and judging from his appearance, I was guessing I had woke him up.

"So for interrupting you, Ni, but have you seen my phone?"

His eyes widened and if his skin had been any paler, his face would've been dark red from how hard he was blushing.

"Nah, I didn't see it, mate." He said, looking away from me.

"You're lying!" I accused, pointing a finger at him.

"Okay," he gave in. "Lou took it with him when he left. He didn't tell us where he was going though."


"That's my name," the cheeky Chesire boy said as he walked into the kitchen. "What can I do for you today?"

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I want to know where Louis is."

"Oh, but I don't think I can help you with that!" He exclaimed, getting ready to walk out of the room, but I grabbed him by the collar, pulling him back in. Niall stood there chuckling at Harry's failed attempt to escape.

"I'm sorry. Louis' location is confidential information, young man!" the youngest boy said.

"Harry," I warned.

"Fine, Mr. Grumpy Pants. Lou took Natalie on a date seeing as you were going to be knocked out for the whole day." Seeing my horrified expression, he continued, "but don't worry, I don't think their date will last very long." He winked and picked that moment to duck out of the room, leaving me and Niall alone.

"I have a feeling he did something bad." Niall muttered. "Very bad."

I nodded, agreeing with him. "Yeah, me too."


A/N: What do you think Liam and Niall are going to do? (I'm asking cause I have no idea. I think Yasira is writing the next chapter *wink wink*)

So yeahhh...


Um, okk, that's all. Byeeee.

- Amani c;

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