Chapter 9

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I pulled Jen by the arm into another room where no one could hear us. I didn't need the boys hearing Jen's loud screaming, because that was what she typically did whenever I forgot to tell her something important.

"What did Zayn mean?" She asked, hands on her hips.

I bit my lip, wondering how I could answer her question without making her angry. "Um, I met him at Starbucks the other day. I bumped into him and I spilled my coffee and he was like, 'Oh, I'll buy you another one' and I didn't really want him to, but I had no choice. Sorry?" I said, all in one quick breath.

Jen just glared at me. My heartbeat quickened. What if she didn't forgive me? Would she stay mad at me forever?

Rolling her eyes, she said,"I forgive you, Talie. Just tell me the next time when you run into another world famous popstar, yeah?"

I smiled and gave her a hug. "Of course!"

Taking my hand in hers, she pulled me back into the room where the boys and the other girls were. Upon seeing us, Liam jumped from his seat with a concerned look on his face, "Is everything alright, girls?"

"Yeah," I smiled, glancing at Jen who wore a big smile of her own.

Before anyone could say anything else, it was time or the boys to go onstage to prepare for their concert. Jen and I sat down on a chair, expecting to stay there until one of the techies came to bring us to our seats, but then Niall turned around to face us.

"Do you want to come with us?" He asked, blushing. "I mean, you could watch from backstage. It's way cooler."

We both nodded eagerly. This was turning out to be the best day of my life. I mean, watching an One Direction concert from backstage didn't happen every day.

Jen and I stood to the side of the stage while the boys performed. It was amazing! They had so much energy and their singing was even better live. And I nearly fainted whenever Liam or Zayn would look over at me and smirk or blow a kiss.

Yeah, a girl could get used to this.



Ok, I'm done now. Thanks so much guys! We love you.

Next update should be really soon, so vote and comment pleaseee!

-Amani, xx

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