Chapter 38

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I walked outside to see Harry pounding the hood of his car with his fist while Liam and Louis surrounded him.

This boy drives me absolutely crazy, how he will be all up on Ashley one minute and telling me she means nothing the next. Maybe if I did the same he would see how much it hurts to be toyed with. I walked up to them, Harry insisting on driving home by himself.

"I'll drive him." I stated, crossing my arms over my chest to get some warmth from the night breeze.

Liam raised an eyebrow. "How are you going to manage that with your wrist?"

"I can drive with one hand," I shrugged. "Anyways, it's not the hand I use the most."

Liam still looked doubtful. I looked over at Louis, hoping he'd help me win Liam over. He rolled his blue eyes and sighed. "Liam, lighten up. Would you rather Harry drive or Natalie?"

"Fine, but drive safe." Liam said as everyone else came out of the restaurant. I smiled, satisfied with my persuasion skills.

We all piled into our cars, with me in the driver's seat and Harry in the passenger seat. Niall sat in the back, but like ten minutes into the drive, he fell asleep.

That left me alone with Harry.

My one hand on the steering wheel became sweaty. Focus, Natalie, I thought. Don't let Harry control this relationship.

"Do you know what my shirt is made of?"

I looked at Harry. He had his head turned to look at me, his brown curls falling into his emerald eyes. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt so I really didn't know. I bit my lip, shaking my head. "Cotton?"

"Nope, boyfriend material." He smirked.

I laughed, covering my mouth with my hand before I remembered that I had no hands on the wheel. "You're an idiot," I told Harry.

"I wanna live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way." Harry said, completely serious.

"OhmyGod, you're so drunk."

He reached out and put his hand on my leg. "Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile."

I blushed. "Harry, stop." I whined, not even able to defend myself because I was a disabled driver.

"Will you grab my arm so I can tell my friends I've been touched by an angel?"

"Harry, if you don't stop I will pull over and make you sit in the back seat." I try to say in a serious tone but my red tinted cheeks weren't helping.

"Sorry love, but your kinda, sorta, basically, pretty much always on my mind." His breath was a mixture of mint and alcohol as it fanned over my face. I was literally a puddle in the drivers seat as Harry blurted the cheesy pick up lines.

I pulled up to their house and parked outside the gates with no intention of going inside. I cleared my throat and took a glance in the rear-view mirror to see Niall, out cold and sprawled across the back seats. I really didn't want to wake him, but I was in no shape to carry anyone.

"Harry." I poked his side, he giggled and turned towards me, a drowsy look plastered on his face.

"Yes babe." He slurred, reminding me he was still very much drunk and ruining my plan. I groaned and rubbed my hands against my head to try and soothe the oncoming headache.

"What's wrong?" He put his hand on my thigh and I looked into his jade eyes that were laced with red.

"Can you manage to get Niall inside?" I croaked out as a look of utter disgust appeared on his face. "Please, for me." I added and saw his features form a scowl.

"If....if I carry Mr. Leprechaun in there, you have to" The alcohol was evident in his voice and I gasped. "I don't mean like that," he moved closer to me "I want you to sleep, in your clothes, on my bed with me." The slow pace of his voice soothing.

"Ok."I whispered as his fingers ran along my jaw. I mentally slapped myself because this was going against all my plans.

He stumbled out of the car and I opened my door, rushing over to open the back door. The last thing I needed right now was for Niall to wake up and cause more problems.

Watching a drunk Harry carry a knocked out Niall is probably the funniest thing I have ever seen. Harry kept tripping over his long legs and fortunately didn't fall or drop Nialler. We reached the front door and I looked to Harry for the keys.

"Pocket." He gestured to his pants and I silently cursed this boy. I awkwardly felt for the keys and tried to ignore the sly smirk on his pink plump lips. I remember how they melded with mine like perfect puzzle pieces... Door. Door. Right, the door. I unlocked the door dropping the keys on the couch and turning on the lights. I watched as he went into the room that belonged to Niall, and slowly returned without his shirt.

My eyes bulged at his toned chest and traveled down to the tattoo on his hip bone. 'Might as well' it read. I gulped and wrapped my cardigan tightly around me. He walked upstairs and beckoned me to follow. I kept a good distance between us and when he reached for the button of his pants I snapped.

"Woah! You said we sleep in our clothes." I covered my eyes with my one arm.

"C'mon do you know how uncomfortable it is to sleep in skinny jeans!" He whined. "And besides I said you keep your clothes on." Even when his blood was polluted with alcohol he was still bloody cheeky as ever.

I sighed and flopped on the bed. He followed my actions only clad in his tight black boxer briefs. I hugged the edge of the bed to get as far from him as possible without falling off the bed.

"C'mon Nat, I don't bite... Hard." I could picture the smirk creeping onto his face. I didn't make any attempt to move and heard him huff in annoyance.

"Goodnight Harry." I whispered, drifting into slumber before he could respond.

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