Chapter 40

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Natalie's POV

I was at my back at my job, trying to kill time and do absolutely nothing. Harry had left after lunch saying he could wait to see me tonight. He'd even kissed me on the cheek.

Oh, did I mention we were going a date? Well, we are.

I pulled out my phone, seding a quick text to Jenna: 'OMG, Harry and I are going on a date later. Should I play hard to get?!'

She quickly responded, my phone buzzing loudly. I cursed mentally and silenced my phone, looking up to make sure no one saw me on the phone. Jenna's text read: 'Hard to get, but not to hard, y'know? But yay, maybe we can double date soon. ;) '

Then another text came in: 'Wait a sec.... ARE YOU TEXTING ON THE JOB?'

Crap, I forgot she was manager. Though, I doubt she would fire me. She knew that she was the only person I would text on the job and since she works with me, that rarely happens. Of course, unless Harry texts me and I just happen to be in the bathroom at the same time.

I sent her a quick 'nope' and smirked, slipping my phone into my back pocket.

I figured I might as well get some real work done since I had about an hour left to go and if I spent another second smiling to myself, my co-workers would think I'm crazy. Or at keast, more crazy than they already think I am. I picked my schedule up, examining

the words typed on it. I had to bathe the seals and then I could lock up.

I walked out to the seal exhibit, watching a little girl with a red balloon tied to her wrist and blonde pigtails giggle from the visitor platform above as a seal barked and clapped at her. The seal's name was Sandy and she was one of the more playful seals, always ready to have fun and please the audience. Sandy turned to me as I entered through the employee entrance door, making the little girl look at me as well. I waved at the girl just as her mother literally dragged her away to the next exhibit. Shaking my head, I walked up to the tubs, warming the water to the right temperature.

I went to the diving pool, making sure to put on a wet suit just in case I accidentally fell in like last time (I had to wear clothes from lost and found and my hair took four hours to dry.) or the seals wanted to try some funny stuff. They were known for squirting the workers, getting a laugh from the audience of people watching.

I walked towards the pool, grabbing a slippery pup and carrying it over to the bath. It splashed around for quite a while before calming down and allowing me to squirt some soap out onto his small body. I repeated this process with about ten more seal pups before finally finishing. It was now five and I was more than ready to lock up the nursery and leave.

"Natalie!" I heard my name as I walked away from the exhibit. I turned to come face to face with Troy one of the trainers. He was incredibly built and sweet, definitely my type. If I wasn't in this so called "relationship" with Harry I would totally agree to his many attempts to take me out.

"Yes?" I smiled, getting a warm smile in return.

"You know I love you right?" A sly smirk formed on his face.

"What do you need?" I over-exaggerated my groan, receiving a chuckle from him.

"I know your shift is done but can you please run this over to the main office?" He handed me an envelope. I nodded, accepting the thick paper and putting it my pocket carefully. "Your the best, Nat." He pecked my cheek and ran back to his training.

A walk across the zoo later, I dropped off Troy's letter to the secretary in the main office. I was walking past the seal exhibit when I heard a high pitched squeal. I turned towards the sound, only to see the little girl from earlier watching her balloon fly to the sky.

I turned back around and bumped into Vanessa, one of the other zoo workers. She fell to the ground and I covered my mouth.

"Oi, I'm sorry." I apologized quickly, helping her up. She nodded, looking up at me, the color draining from her face a second later. She screamed then ran, leaving me wondering what scared her so bad.

"What the - ?" I turned, only to have a cloth full of chloroform pressed to my mouth and nose. I tried to scream, but it came out muffled and when I would try to thrash out of my kidnappers hold, they would just tighten their grip on me. I felt some reach into my back pocket and watched as one of the men in black threw my brand new iPhone 5S in the pool. I didn't have much time to react because within a few seconds, I slowly blacked out.

Harry's POV

I walked into our flat, my phone buzzing in my pocket.

"Hello? Yes, did you get the task done?" I spoke quietly. I placed my keys on the counter, walking into the kitchen.

"Harry, who are you talking to?" Niall asked, pulling his head out of a bowl of cereal. I pulled the phone away from my ear and whispered a quick "Nobody," before leaving to my room. I caught him giving me a questioning look, but I didn't care. My plan was more important than Niall's thoughts about me.

"Yes. I must say she is beautiful." The voice responded, making me smile.

"I told you. She is perfect." I laughed.

"Well, gotta go, she's squirming in my arms."

"Haha, ok. Talk to you later." I chuckled, hanging up. I was definately the best boyfriend.

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