The Campfire

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Maya - Because you easy to make fun of.

Lucas - Then stop.

Maya - Because you're a Huckleberry, because you're a Ranger Rick.

Lucas - Wouldn't you just stop?

Maya - Look, if I had feelings for you, don't you think I'd just go out and say it? Well I don't, so what I do say is, ha-hurr....

Lucas takes Maya's face and holds it with his hands, while he looks deep into her eyes. Lucas leans in, and kisses Maya. After about 10 seconds, he pulls away, looks one last time in her eyes, before letting go of her head.

Maya - Why did you do that?

Maya shakes her head

Lucas - I don't know! I just wanted you to stop!

Maya - You couldn't find a better way to stop me?

Lucas - Not in the moment, no. I'm sorry.

Maya - You don't have to be sorry Huckleberry, of course I like you, you a good guy.

Maya sit down again, and looks at the fireplace. Lucas looks at her, before sitting down next to her. They were both kind of in shock of what Maya just had admitted, they did not know what to say next.

Lucas - I like you too, Short stack.

Lucas says and takes her hand in his, while continuing to look at the fireplace. Maya leans her head on his shoulder, and Lucas leans his on her head. They just stay in that position, not talking, just looking at the flames as they die down.


The next parts will be longer. I will try to update as often as I can. Hope you will enjoy this story.

Song: Coming for you - by Jojo

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