Growing up

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Hey, guys :)

Listen, I think I did something weird with the ages of the characters. I'm not from the USA, so I don't really know the ages they are in every grade. So, the characters are 17/18, except Lucas, who is 18/19.

!!!Warning involves mature scenes!!!

It was a few years since what happened between Riley and Maya, and a lot of things have changed. They were now seniors, and their final exams were coming up in a few weeks. Lucas and Maya were closer then ever, holding each other up. After Riley and Maya stopped being friends, things got harder for Maya. Riley were always rude to Maya, as well as Missy. Lucas were overprotective over Maya, not letting anyone do anything to hurt her. Farkle and Riley broke up after the incident, and Farkle is still single. Riley never hangs out with the group anymore, but only talks to them then she wants Lucas to be together with her again. Zay and Carly were still together, and incredible happy. They were often having double dates with Lucas and Maya.

Lucas and Maya were in Lucas' bedroom, studying for their final exams. Lucas were sitting on a chair, by his desk, while Maya were laying on her stomach on his bed. Maya kept noticing that Lucas were looking at her.

Maya - What are you looking at?

Lucas - You?

Maya - I know that, but why?

Lucas - I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you.

Maya - Awww, you're so sweet.

She walks over to him, and sits on his lap. Lucas takes his arms, and wrap them around her waist to hold her still. He leans his head down to Maya, and starts kissing her neck. She let's out a sweet moan and a soft giggle.

Maya - We should probably go back to studying.

Lucas - I am studying.

Maya - What exactly are you studying?

Lucas - Your body.

After he says this, he lifts her up, and carries her over to his bed. Lucas lays Maya down, and climbs on top of her. They start making out, not caring that they were supposed to be study. They are interrupted by someone gasping at the door of the bedroom. They pull apart, but Lucas are still on top of Maya, as they look to see who's at the door. To their surprise, Riley is standing there.

Maya - What do you want?

Riley - I wanna apologize to you, Maya. I know that I haven't been nice to you the last couple of years, and I'm sorry for that. I was just jealous that you had found the love of your life, and I hadn't.

Maya - You had Farkle.

Riley - I know, I was just too blind to see that he was the right one for me. I'm gonna try to make it up to him. I just want to say to you that I'm sorry. I really hope that you can forgive me.

Maya - I'm not sure if I can, Riley.

Riley - I understand, and I wouldn't hit on Lucas anymore. You two are meant to be, I just need to except that.

Maya - That means a lot.

Riley - I will just leave you two alone now, you seem to be in the middle of something.

Maya - Okay, bye.

Riley - Bye.

Riley walk out, closing the door after her. Lucas looks down at Maya.

Lucas - Are you okay?

Maya - Yeah, I'm just not ready to forgive her yet.

Lucas - I know, but you will, eventually.

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