Back from Texas

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Riley's pov:

We were home from Texas, and things were really weird between Maya and Lucas. It's extremely awkward between them, and I don't know why. Maybe something happened between them in Texas, cause I do know she likes Lucas. I told Lucas I like him as a brother, cause I want them to not feel guilty if they start dating. I don't like Lucas as anything more than a friend anymore, I kinda like Farkle, but he has a girlfriend. Well, I will have to find a way that I can make him fall for me too. I also have to help Maya and Lucas get together, but I need Farkle and Zay's help. I send them a text saying to meet me at Topanga's to talk.

15 minutes later, at the Cafe......

Zay, Farkle and Riley are sitting in some chairs at Topanga's.

Farkle - So what are we doing here, Riley?

Riley - I need you guys help.

Farkle - Our help to what?

Riley - I need your help to get Maya and Lucas together.

Zay - I agree with you, it's time that they admit there feelings for each other.

Farkle - What about you Riley, don't you like Lucas?

Riley - I only like Lucas as a brother, and besides, I like someone else.

Farkle & Zay - Who?

Riley - It's a secret, but you will find out some day.

After we had discussion a very detailed plan, we all when home to get ready for school tomorrow. I'm so excited for this plan, I want them to get together so badly, they will be so cute together! Like two cute puppies. Omg! Puppies! Yay!

Lucas' pov

I kissed her! I actually kissed Maya Hart, and i kinda wish I didn't right now. I mean, it's so awkward between us. We told each other how we felt, and I wish that things weren't so weird between us. I wanna be able to hold her, cuddle her, kiss her and call her mine. I never thought I would feel like this about Maya, but I do. If someone would have told me on my first day of John Quinsy Adams middle school that I has gonna fall for Maya Hart, I would have laughed really hard at them. I always thought she was beautiful and amazing, but she also scare me. I thought she was gonna kill me if I ever even though about her as more then a friend.

I decide that I'm gonna text her, and ask her to come over.

(Maya: text Lucas: text)

Hi Maya, wanna come over?

Okay Cowboy,  I'll be there in 15.

---15 minutes later-----

Lucas has been waiting for Maya by the door, for the last 20 minutes, and she still hasn't showed up. He walks into his room, with his head down, looking sad.

Maya - Why do you look so sad, Sundance?

Lucas jumps and look up, to see Maya sitting in his window.

Lucas - How did you get in here?

Maya - You're window were unlocked.

She lean her head back and laugh at me. She looks so beautiful sitting there. She has the most beautiful hair I have ever seen, and a really cool clothes style. She really is a blonde beauty.

Maya - Hello, Lucas? Anyone there??

I snap out of my thoughts, as I see Maya wave her hand in front on my face.

Lucas - Sorry, I zoomed out.

Maya - it's okay. So, what should we do Sundance?

Lucas - Let's sit down and talk a little.

Maya - Okay.

I sit down on my bed, and Maya sits next to me. This is the moment. I have to ask her now, or I will probably never get the courage again. I turn around, so that I'm sitting, facing her. I take her hand in mine, take a deep breath, and start talking.

Lucas - Maya, I have always known there were something special about you, when I first met you on the subway. You are special and unique, and I will always adore you for that. I love that you tease me, and call me names. I love that you are yourself. I love you Maya, and now I know that I love you as more than just a friend. I want to be able to call you mine, and hold you hand whenever I feel like it. I want us to be more than friends. Maya Penelope Hart, will you do me that honors, and be my girlfriend?

I look at her with hope in my eyes, waiting for her to speak.

Maya - Yes, I will be you girlfriend Lucas.

I take Maya in my arms, and give her a hug. I feel like the happiest person in the world. I just want to stand up, and scream, "YAYYY!!!!". I kiss her temple, and hug her closer. I finally got her. I finally got Maya as my girlfriend.


Hope you like this chapter. I will update as often as I can.

Song: Too young -by Sabrina Carpenter

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