Maya's birthday

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The day was here, Maya's 16th birthday. She woke up, with a smile on her face. She walked over to her closet, and got out a dress that Shawn had gotten her a while back. (Pic at the start of the chapter) She did her hair and makeup, she had to admit that she didn't look that bad. Riley had told her to dress up, cause she and Farkle were taking her out. She walk out of her room, and into the kitchen, to get something to eat. She stops in her track, when she sees Shawn sitting at their kitchen table.

Maya - Shawn?! What are you doing here?

Shawn - Happy birthday, kiddo.

He gives her a hug, handing her a gift.

Maya - Thank you, but you really didn't have to.

Shawn - I wanted to. Now open it.

Maya - Fine, but how did you get in here anyway?

Shawn - Oh, you're mom gave me a key.

Maya starts smiling like a goof of this.

Maya - So, what's going on with you and my mom?

Shawn - Stuff, now open your present.

Maya - Sure.

She opens it, and finds tickets to this huge music festival in New York.

Maya - Omg!! Thank you so much, Shawn.

Shawn - No problem, kiddo. Anyway, I have something to ask you.

Maya - Sure, ask away.

Shawn - You know how me and your mom have been going out on quite a few dates?

Maya - Yeah?

Shawn - I was wondering if you would let me ask Katy to me my......

Maya - Wife??

Shawn - No, girlfriend. Maya, me and your mom barely know each other.

Maya - But you may ask her some time?

Shawn - Sometime. Let's just hope she wants to be my girlfriend, and we'll see what happens in a few years.

Maya - Okay. I should probably leave, I promised Riley and Farkle to meet up with them at Topanga's at 10.

Shawn - Sure, have fun. I'm heading over to Cory's place.

Maya - Does he know you're in town?

Shawn - He was no idea.

Maya - Hehe, I'll walk to you late.

Shawn - Yeah


Maya walks into Topanga's, to see Riarkle waiting for her.

Riley - Happy birthday, peaches.

Maya - Thank you, honey.

Farkle - Happy birthday, Maya.

Maya - Thank you, Fartel.

Farkle - FARTel?

Maya - Yeah, remember summer camp in 3rd grade.

Farkle - You promised to never talk about that again.

Maya - Sorry, Fartel.

Riley - So, what is it like being 16?

Maya - It's good so fare. Shawn were at my house this morning. He is gonna ask my mom to be this girlfriend.

Riley - Oh, yay!!! Finally!!!

Maya - Yeah, I know.

Farkle - We should probably go now, or else we'll be late.

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