Girl Meets High School

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It's the first day of high school, and Maya just picked up Riley, as she always does. They were on the subway, when someone took their hands in front of Riley's eyes.

???? - Guess who?

Riley - Farkle!

Farkle takes his hands off her eyes, and Riley turns around, and kisses him. That is when Maya feel that someone is standing behind her, and a pair of arms on their way to cover her eyes.

Maya - Don't even think about it.

Maya turns around to face Lucas.

Lucas - How did you know I was gonna do that?

Maya - I just know.

Lucas smiles at her, and gives her a hug and a peek on the lips.

???? - Awwww!!!

They hear someone say. They break away, and turns around to face Zay. He has a really big smile on his face.

Zay - How is my favorite couple?

Maya rolls her eyes at him behavior, grabs Lucas' collar and kisses him. Lucas smiles into the kiss, and takes his arms around her.

John Quincy High School is actually not that bad. The day has gone by really fast, and it was time for last period. History. They sat in their chairs, waiting for their teacher. The seat arrangements were the same as in middle school, witch they are really thankful for. The door to the classroom opens, and Mr. Matthews walks in.

Riley - NOOOOO!!!!!!

She stands up from her chair.

Cory - Yesssss!!

He walks over to Riley and makes her sit down in her chair again.

Maya - ohh..Buuuu! I thought I was rid of you, Matthews.

Cory - You can't get rid of me that easy, Maya.

The lesson when by fast, and they are kinda glad that they still have Mr. Matthews as their teacher. They couldn't imagine having someone else as their history teacher.

After school they all decided to go to Topanga's to get some smoothie. Lucas and Maya sits next to each other, and are holding hands. Zay looks at their hands, and starts to smile at them like the biggest fan girl in the world. They are talking about their first day of high school. Riley wanted to try out for the High School's cheerleading team, and she wanted Maya to try out with her. Lucas were thinking about joining the football team, cause the couch really wanted him on their team. The couch know that Lucas was incredible strong and had some anger issues, and he thought it would be good for the team. It would also be good for Lucas to let out some anger.

Zay had the perfect plan figured out. He had worked on it all summer, and it was as good as foolproof in his opinion. Zay wanted Riley to be his girlfriend, and he weren't gonna give up that easily. Time to start his plan.

Lucas' pov

We are sitting at Topanga's, after our first day of high school. Maya is sitting next to me, and I can't help but feel like the luckiest guy on earth. I take my arm, and place it over her shoulders, causing her to look at me. I smile at her, and she smiles back, leaning down on my shoulder. I love her smile. Wait, what?!? I love Maya? I love Maya! Does she love me back? I need to stop thinking about this, or else I'm gonna go crazy.

Maya - Lucas, are you okay?

I snap out of my deep thoughts, and look at Maya.

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