The date

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Lucas' pov

The day if finally here, I'm going on my first date with Maya. They were gonna watch a movie, and afterward they were gonna go hangout at Topanga's. He were on his way to pick her up, and he couldn't be more nervous. This were way more scary then riding a bull.

When he got to her front door, he took a deep breath, and knock on her door. After a few seconds, Maya opens the front door. She looks breathtaking, and all I can do is steer.

Maya - What are you steering at, Huckleberry?

I snap out of it, and she laugh at me ones again. She is so cute.

Lucas - Sorry, Maya. You just look really good.

Maya - Thanks

I can see her cheek redden.

Lucas - Aww, you're blushing!

Maya. -No, I'm not!

Lucas - Okay. So, shall we get going?

Maya - Of course.

We see a movie, and as ironic as it sounds, we took our hands down in the popcorn at the same time. I remember Maya making fun of cheesy stuff like that, but I kinda think she enjoyed it. We were now sitting at Topanga's, and drinking smoothies. We are currently laughing about a funny joke I just told her. I have learned so much about her on our date. For example, she loves to sing and make her own songs. I'm glad we are getting to know each other better.

After we had talked at Topanga's for about 1 hour, I follow her home. When we get to her front door, she turn around to look at me.

Maya - I had a really good time. I hope we can do this again sometime, Lucas.

She kiss me on my cheek.

Lucas - You called me Lucas! Finally!

Maya - Yeah, yeah, whatever.

I give her a sweet kiss on the lips.

Lucas - Good night, Maya.

Maya - Good night, Ranger Rick.

She give me one more kiss, and walks inside her apartment. After the door is closed, I start to dance like an idiot in the corridors. Best date ever! I stop to dance, and start to walk home.

Maya's pov

This date when really well, and I'm so happy. We was a movie, and some cheese stuff happened. We took our hands in the popcorn at the same time, and Lucas kept looking at me. He held my hand every opportunity he got, and kissed me on the cheek almost every time I spoke. When I just had closed the door, I heard a sound from outside the door. I looked through the peep hole, and I see Lucas dancing in the corridor. What a dork. I walk into my room, and I look in my mirror, just to realize I'm blushing. I suddenly feel all this happiness building up inside me. I look around my room, and then I start to dance like an idiot. I'm so happy.

Riley send me a text, saying to meet her in the bay window. I go as fast I can over to Riley's apparent. When I climb in the window, I see Riley already sitting in the bay window. I sit down next to her, and she turns to me.

Riley - Tell me everything! Tell me everything right now!

Maya - Okay, okay, geese Riley, calm down. Anyway we go to see a movie, and afterward we were at Topanga's.

We continue to talk about it for what seems like ages, but I didn't mind. I am really happy that Lucas is my boyfriend. I feel like I'm on cloud 9 all day long, and I really don't mind.

Riley's pov

I'm so happy for Maya and Lucas, they are so perfect together. Maya can't stop talking about him, and she even use his real name a lot. I wish I has something like that....oh, wait, I do. Well, kinda. Both Farkle and Zay will do anything I ask them to get a chance with me. It's funny a lot of times, but other times it's just annoying. I like Farkle, but I don't want to hurt Zay's feelings. I want me and Farkle to be like Lucas and Maya. They were on a date today, and I just invited Maya over, so we can talk about it.

10 minutes later Maya climbs through the window, and sit down next to me. I turn, so that I'm facing her.

Riley - Tell me everything! Tell me now! We're did you do? What did you do? Was it fun? Did you guys kiss? Tell me! Tell me!

Maya - Riley, relax. You wouldn't even let me answer you.

Riley - Sorry.

Maya - Anyway, the date went great. We were at the movie, and the we got to Topanga's, and sat there talking.

Riley - That's all I get? Maya, please!

Maya - Okay. The date was wonderful.

Riley - And?

Maya - We kissed. It's not a big deal, we have kissed before.

I was about to explode with happiness, but Maya will probably get mad at me if I do.

Maya - Okay, let it out.

I stand up.

Riley - YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I stop, and look at Maya. I'm just so happy. This is the best day ever! I go over to Maya, and give her a tight hug.

Farkle's pov

Lucas and I are sitting in my bedroom, and I really want him to tell me about his date. I sit, and just steer at his. He look over at he a little weird out.

Lucas - Why are you steering at me like that, man?

Farkle - How was you date with Maya? Tell me, tell me now!

Lucas - Okay, chill, man. Okay, it was amazing! We went to the movies, and then we were at Topanga's talking.

Farkle - I'm so happy for you guys.

Lucas - Thank you, Farkle.

Lucas totally love her! They are so cute together! They are the perfect match. I wonder if the arguing are gonna continue, or if they are gonna be all loving instead? Anyway, this is gonna be so fun. I just have to get Riley to date me, and then everything will be perfect. Zay will probably find someone else to be in love with.

Farkle - Lucas, I wanna be together with Riley. How do I get her to go on a date with me.

Lucas - It's easy, just ask her. I have to go home now, I will see you at school on Monday.

Farkle - Okay, bye.

I think I'm gonna go with Lucas advice, and ask Riley out. I mean, what is the worst that can happen?

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