I miss you!

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It had been 3 months since Maya moved, and Lucas was really sad. He felt like it was his fault that she moved away. Maya and Lucas' relationship had ended right before she left. Lucas was now sitting at Topanga's with Zay and Riley. Zay had started to get feelings for Riley, so him and Farkle was at war. They would send each other dirty looks, and would try to be as close to Riley as possible. Zay was currently telling Riley crazy stories from home in Texas.

Lucas' pov

Me, Zay and Riley were sitting at Topanga's. Zay was trying to impress Riley, and I don't really know if it's working. Both Zay and Farkle want to me Riley's boyfriend, so they were always trying to hangout with her. Maya would have loved seeing this, I miss her so much. This have been the 3 worst months of my life. I can't believe she moved to LA, even without saying goodbye. It's all my fault. Maya didn't want to hurt Riley, and I pushed her too far. I'm the worst boyfriend ever!

Suddenly Farkle came, and sat in between Zay and Riley. Zay looked really pissed off, and Riley just looks confused.

Farkle - Hey guys!

Lucas/Zay/Riley - Hey Farkle!

There was a awkward silence.

Farkle - I miss Maya. Things were so much more fun with her around.

Riley - Yeah, I can't believe she just left. She didn't even say goodbye! Why did she have to leave?

?????- Maya is coming back soon.

We turn around to see Mrs. Hart standing there. I forgot she works her.

Riley - Why did she leave?

Mrs. Hart - Shawn and I are moving in together, so we have decided to get a new place. We sent Maya to live with some family members in LA, while we prepare the new house.

Riley - Why didn't she just come live with me?

Mrs. Hart - She have been wanting to visit her cousin for a really long time. This was the best opportunity.

Lucas - But why didn't she tell us.

Mrs. Hart - I don't know. She is coming back home in a month, but if you can't wait so long before asking, you should call her.

Mrs. Hart walk away to serve some other customers. We try to call Maya, but she didn't answer.

.....In Hollywood, Los Angeles......

Maya's pov

It was been 3 months since I left New York, and Lucas. I feel bad that I didn't say goodbye to my friends, but I just couldn't face them after the thing with Lucas. I'm living with my cousins, aunt and uncle, and it's so much fun. I'm sitting on my bed, when I feel my phone vibrate. I look down at it to see that Riley is calling me, I ignore the call. I know that my mom told them where I was and why, but I just didn't want to talk to them yet. They will ask me why I didn't tell them, and then Lucas will make me tell them. What if he already have told them?

After about 30 minutes, I get a new call. This time it's from Lucas. I was about to ignore it, but my curiosity got them best of me.

Maya: What's up Sundance?

Lucas: Maya! Wow, you actually picked up!

Maya: I will end the call if you don't stop right now. Are you alone?

Lucas: Yeah, Farkle and Zay wanted to go to the movies with Riley.

Maya: Farkle and Zay are going to the movies with Riley??

Lucas: Yeah, both Farkle and Zay are in love with her.

Maya: WHAT!! Wow, I have been gone way too long.

Lucas: Yeah, you have.

Maya: Did you tell them about what happened between us?

Lucas: No, but I really want to. I feel like it's my fault that you are in LA, instead of here in New York.

Maya: It's not you're fault, Lucas.

Lucas: Well, it feels like it.

There was an awkward silence.

Lucas: Maya, I want you to be my girlfriend.

Maya: You already have been my boyfriend, and that didn't turn out well.

Lucas: I want it to work out, Maya. When you come back, I will tell Riley that I kissed you. I will explain everything, and if she gets angry, I will not let it go out over your friendship. I want you to be my girlfriend, Maya. I know you like me, and you know I like you. This can work out, we just have to be open about it. It will hurt her worse the longer we wait.

Maya: Okay, we can try. But if I have to choose between you and Riley, I choose Riley. I have to go now. I will talk to you another day. Bye

Lucas: Goodbye, Maya.

After we hung up, it felt much better. I never thought Huckleberry would make me feel like this, but I was wrong. I'm kinda excited to come home again, but at the same time i'm scared.

Thanks for reading.

Who do you want Riley to end up with, Farkle or Zay?

Song: When I look at you -Miley Cyrus

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